Techno-economic feasibility study on Integrated Renewable Energy System for an isolated community of India
In the recent years, small scale power generation has been recognized as a suitable option for energy access in isolated rural areas due to uneconomical grid extension. A techno-economic feasibility study on the development of an Integrated Renewable Energy System (IRES) is carried out in the paper in order to meet the electrical and cooking energy demands of cluster of village hamlets of Chamoli district of Uttarakhand state (India). An attempt has been made to estimate the potential of locally available renewable energy resources and demands of the study area. The selection of small wind turbine model for the site specified is performed among the various models available in market. Further, nine different combinations of renewable energy resources have been investigated by considering economic, technical and social aspect criteria. Finally, a sensitivity analysis has also been carried out in order to determine the most sensitive parameter of the system.