Factors affecting root and seed yield in ahipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi), a multipurpose legume crop
Ahipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa) is a legume crop, which produces carbohydrate-rich tuberous roots and seeds rich in protein and oil. In the present work, we studied the effect of different agronomic practices and climatic conditions on root and seed yield in order to make a preliminary assessment of the yield potential under different managements for the ahipa crop in south-western Europe. Sowing date affected productivity when delayed, because of growth season shortening. Reproductive pruning greatly increased root yield. Increasing planting density affected root and fruit growth per plant but increased yield to a certain extent. Seed inoculation with effective rhizobia greatly increased root and seed production. Low temperature is a main factor to be considered as it reduced productivity in areas of cool nights. Ahipa has a low environmental impact and low input requirement (fertilizer, pesticides), providing an attractive alternative to traditional sources of carbohydrates for conserving non-renewable resources and maintaining farmer profitability. Competitive yields for the simultaneous production of starch, feed protein and industrial oil may be obtained with low investment using available landraces.