A quasi-automated generation control strategy for multiple energy storage systems to optimize low-carbon benefits
Integrating a battery energy storage system (ESS) with a large wind farm can smooth the intermittent power obtained from the wind farm, but the smoothing function will not be achieved if multiple ESSs are used to smooth the fluctuations in individual wind power plants in a distributed pattern. Therefore, this study focuses on the development of a control strategy to optimize the use of multiple ESSs to accelerate the adoption of wind energy resources. This paper proposes a quasi-automated generation control (QAGC) strategy to coordinate multiple ESSs, which responds to the grid dispatch demand rather than smoothing out the intermittent power from individual wind farms. The aims of QAGC are to ensure that multiple ESSs provide a service that is as balanced as possible, so more wind power systems at various scales can be accepted by the grid, as well maximizing the low-carbon benefits of ESSs. The effectiveness of QAGC is demonstrated by using data from an actual gigawatt scale cluster of wind plants.