Databank “Land Use, Ecology, and Environmental Protection-
The databank on ecology and environmental protection reported in this paper is a part of the Integral Data Bank, which, in turn, is a part of an internet information resource of the Branch of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Mining Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences. An information medium for the Earth sciences is created in the Russian Academy of Sciences within the subprogram “Electronic Earth: Scientific Information Resources and Information Communication Technologies-of the Program no. 15 “Development of Fundamentals for Creation of Distributed Scientific Information and Computation Medium Based on GRID Technology- In the framework of this project, the Rubrication of the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences is used to describe the structure of data put into the databanks of the Electronic Earth portal system. In this paper we briefly present the essentials of the content of metadata base of the first version of the databank on ecology, environmental protection, and geology of mineral deposits.