New Method for Estimation Mean Hydrological Changes and Question of Reliability in Forecasting Future Hydrological Regimes
Important hydrological changes are observed in Serbia, as well as in many parts of the world. Many national and international projects and studies address climate change and its impact on water resources. Some focus solely on the impact of climate change, while others also assess the impact of land use changes and/or changes in human use of water. Due to differences in climate change and human activities, the different climate and hydrological trends are obtained for the different regions in Serbia.This paper presents the past longterm temperature, precipitation and river discharge trends across Serbia. Second, more important aim of the research, is to assess and forecast average relationships between an increase in air temperature and changes in river discharges and precipitation. This relation could help us to find appropriate regional climate and hydrological models.Even within a single catchment, depending on the regional models used, the initial and other assumptions made, and the impacts assessed, the differences between the results can be small but often significant, too. The reliability of the projections receives little or no consideration. This paper also discusses this topic and attempts to provide some guidelines.