Multi-level parameter structure identification for two-phase porous-media flow problems using flexible representations
We consider identification of absolute permeability (hydraulic conductivity) based on time series of pressure data in sparsely distributed wells for two-phase porous-media flow. For this problem, it is impossible to recover all details of the parameter function. On the other hand, a coarser, approximate recovery may be sufficient for many applications. We propose a novel solution approach, based on reparametrization, for such approximate identification of the parameter function. We use a nonlinear, composite representation, which is detached from the computational grid, allowing for a flexible representation of the parameter function at many resolution levels. This is utilized in a sequential multi-level estimation of the parameter function, starting at a coarse resolution, which is then gradually refined. The composite representation is designed to allow for smooth as well as sharp transitions between regions of nearly constant parameter value. Moreover, it facilitates the estimation also of the structure and smoothness of the parameter function itself. As a limiting case, the chosen representation is reduced to a zonation with implicit representation of the interior boundaries that is equivalent to a level-set representation. A motivation for the selected representation and the multi-level estimation is presented in terms of an analysis of sensitivity and nonlinearity. Numerical examples demonstrate identification of coarse-scale features of reference permeability distributions with varying degree of smoothness. Comparisons show how the multi-level strategy stabilize the identification and avoid local minima of the objective function compared to a single-level strategy.