Assessment of forest-fuel resources in Denmark: technical and economic availability
Mitigating the effects of climate change has lead to an increasing use of biofuels in Denmark, including fuelwood from the forests. This has raised concern about the future supply of fuelwood. This paper presents a method for estimating potential fuelwood resources from forests larger than 0.5ha based on national forest inventory data. The first part of the study addresses the assessment of potential fuelwood resources, whilst the second part focuses on the estimation of the economically available resource. For the latter, locality data are extracted from the biomass assessment and coupled with data on location of conversion facilities and projected consumption. The data is incorporated into an economic model based on GIS to form industrial marginal cost-of-supply curves from an optimisation of the allocation of fuelwood using LP. Economically available fuelwood resources are estimated using a substitution delivery cost of €1200TJ−1.