Analysis of transboundary Dojran Lake mean annual water level changes
Dojran Lake located in south-eastern part of the Balkan is shared by Macedonia and Greece. This valuable water body and its ecosystem are vulnerable both to climate and anthropogenic impacts. Within the period 1988-002, the Dojran Lake water level decreased seriously (6?m) and the littoral zone of the lake became dry. This water level decline together with the simultaneous water quality deterioration resulted in a biodiversity diminish and plankton reduction. The attack on the ecosystem had a harmful impact on the economy in the region. In the last decade, the water increasing trend of the lake water level has been observed. How much the lake is impacted by natural climatic causes, and how much by human activities in the watershed, is a question that cannot be answered easily. The main obstacle for Dojran Lake sustainable water resources management is the fact that there is no exchange of data and information between Greece and Macedonia. Hydrological analysis is obtained using data measured for the period 1951-010 at the meteorological and hydrological Nov Dojran gauging stations located on the Macedonian side. The aim of the paper is stimulation of a close international interdisciplinary monitoring and cooperation. Of crucial importance is to facilitate the free and unrestricted exchange of data and information, products and services in real and non-real time on matters relating to the safety and security of society, economic welfare and the protection of Dojran Lake environment.