Mark S. Boyce and Alan Haney, Editors, Ecosystem Management: Applications for Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Resources, Yale University Press, Magdeburg (1997) ISBN 0-300-06902-2.
In summer and autumn 1996 a total of 19 sites belonging to 10 levels divided by locks were surveyed in the canals Müritz-Elde-Wasserstraße (MEW) and Störwasserstraße (StW). Different stages of succession of their fish assemblages were compared to give a first estimation of succession time for changes in fish communities caused by anthropogenic impact.Of the 19 sites 2 079 fish (without 0 ) were collected, and identified as comprising 19 species and one hybrid. No significant differences in fish abundance and species diversity were found between levels under reconstruction and levels in an older stage of natural succession, with exception of the relative abundance of limnophilic species and of pike. The mean proportion of limnophils in the newly embanked levels was 1.2 ± 0.3 % compared to 5.3 ± 1.2 % in the natural levels. The mean proportion of pike was 1.2 ± 0.3 % in the newly embanked and 3.2 ± 1.1 % in the natural levels. The abundance of pike reacts much faster to environmental degradation than other in situ population parameters of fish assemblages. Therefore, naturally reproducing pike populations could be used to predict the possible ecological impacts of river engineering works.