Diversity assessment of vertebrate fauna in a wetland of hot hyperarid lands
A great paradox arises when we talk about biodiversity in wetlands located at hot-hyperarid lands. Ayata Lake (155 ha) belongs to the complex of wetlands of Oued Righ Valley in Algerian Lower-Sahara. Surveys conducted between October 2009 and June 2010 has allowed assessing vertebrate diversity living in the lake and its surrounding areas. Several methods and techniques were used for sampling and censing each group of vertebrate (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). Inventories revealed the existence of 03 fish, 02 amphibians, 06 reptiles, 55 birds, and 07 mammals. Phenological types (winter or summer migrant, resident-breeder occasional visitor) were attributed to birds then population dynamics were discussed. Birds used generally the waterbody in winter where migrants, mainly waterbirds, were abundant. We investigated for most inventoried species the specific habitats where they are occurring, and which respond to their behavioural and diet ecology. Biogeography status of vertebrate species revealed a desert affinity, which is represented mainly by Saharan and Saharo-sindian bio-models; except for birds which revealed dominance of Palaearctic biogeographical categories. This approach helped to highlight the biological resources of Ayata Lake and determine its actual ecological value. Furthermore, this study proposes some suggestions for management and conservation purposes.