002 Cryobiology in the future
Enhanced understanding of biology coupled with raw computing power and improved technologies in the physical and chemical sciences has empowered cryobiologists as never before. These tools have led to many advances that have been based on fundamental understanding and application of the biophysics of cryobiology, and manipulating well described variables such as the type/concentration of cryoprotectant, addition/removal methods and using controlled rate cooling combined with induction of ice nucleation and predictions of intracellular ice formation. These advances have culminated in the widespread use of cryobiology to facilitate agriculture and medicine. Countless lives have been improved indirectly through the results of cryobiology, and hundreds of thousands of people today are the direct result of cryopreservation technologies applied to reproductive medicine. This has also allowed the dramatic increase in the use of 鈥渂iobanks鈥?to conserve massive quantities of biologic and biotechnological resources for conservation and medical technologies. Human diseased and non-diseased tissue repositories are now wide spread, as are repositories for other organisms including plants, corals, and other wildlife species both for reproductive and other broad ranging applications. Most scientific advances are built upon incremental refinements in methodology and are consequently iterative. As a result, for the most part, even with all of these advances cryopreservation protocols today look very similar to those first discussed in the Society for Cryobiology 50 years ago. The future of cryobiology will need to go beyond applying new technologies to the same biophysical problems. In recent years there has been an explosion in various emerging approaches to assess and manipulate genetic integrity of cells and tissues at the phenotypic, cytologic, biochemical, and molecular level, especially with respect and relevance to stability. A better understanding of the implications of epigenetics, combined with renewed interest in cell differentiation and de-differentiation has opened new philosophies of biological mechanisms that can be exploited to the advantage of future cryobiologists as they become better understood. For instance, new understanding of induction of pluripotency in somatic cells (e.g. iPS cells) has led to a better understanding of some fundamental mechanisms of cellular repair and propagation. Cellular reprogramming may be able to modulate these pathways, thus inducing a rejuvenated state capable of restoring primary energy metabolism while avoiding free radical production post thaw. Better understanding of how to manipulate these mechanisms could potentially allow 鈥渋nduction of cryotolerance鈥?(e.g. iCT cells) in difficult to freeze models to avoid quiescence or apoptosis post thaw. While these and other breakthroughs ensure that the future is indeed bright for the next generation of cryobiologists, they will need to continuously address the gap that inevitably develops between those who study and those who practice. While scientific research can be expected to considerably outpace widespread technological application, cryobiology historically has been an area exquisitely sensitive to this phenomenon. Translation will be crucial for discoveries to find their ways into practical applications across all disciplines- some of which surely not yet contemplated.Source of funding: None declared.Conflict of interest: None declared.