Detecting hydro-climatic change using spatiotemporal analysis of rainfall time series in Western Algeria
The knowledge of the climatic behavior especially that one of semi-arid regions is required to optimize the management of water resources. Here climate variability is directly related to water resources that are of a high socio-economic and environmental significance. This work deals mainly with a statistical analysis of the precipitation regime to assess its spatial distribution and temporal variation in north-western Algeria. For this, a time series and a principal component analysis are performed on rainfall series representing annual precipitations of twenty-one meteorological stations for the period 1914 to 2004, the most complete and longest of West Algeria, in order to detect patterns and trends in the region. A spectral analysis of the time series revealed the existence of a period of roughly 30?years for all stations. Furthermore, the trend of a wide part of the obtained spectra suggests the existence of another period longer than the samples size.