On the Transferability of the Concept of Drinking Water Protection Zones from EU to Latin American Countries
The present study compares different legal texts on the quality of drinking water, the protection of surface waters and the establishment of drinking water protection areas in the European Union and selected countries in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil and Chile. In the context of a case study, carried out for the Argentine drinking water reservoir Paso de las Piedras, current management practice, its deficits in terms of catchment management practice and possible improvements are discussed based on the concept of water protection zones. The comparison of drinking water standards reveals that the regulations in the investigated Latin American countries comply with the standards of the Wold Health Organisation, while some differences are detected compared to the standards defined by the European Union (e.g., use of bulk parameters; individual standards). While within the European Union the definition and establishment of drinking water protection zones is a standard procedure, it is not explicitly suggested by national Latin American Laws. However, establishment of protection zones for drinking water reservoirs is feasible in accordance with water and environmental laws. The case study reveals that enforcement of the respective laws mostly fails. Protection zones are not implemented. Based on the findings, and according to European and German regulations on water protection zones, measures are suggested how to improve the raw water quality in the reservoir. Recommendations are provided for Latin American countries in general.