Nature conservation strategy for regional socioeconomic development
The paper examines the main methodological and systematic aspects for developing a subfederal regional environmental protection strategy using the case study of Novosibirsk oblast. A logical scheme is presented for creating a strategy for regional natural conservation activity. A system of nature conservation measures is presented, determined by the necessity of mitigating or warning possible environmental problems. Calculations are performed for predicting air pollution in Novosibirsk oblast in terms of the most widespread pollutants discharged by stationary sources for the period up to 2025 taking into account the nature conservation measures. The results of the study make it possible to more substantively choose the main directions of nature conservation activity in this region, making it possible to avoid possible threats and use available resources the most effectively. All of this serves a prerequisite both for creating ecological priorities and for developing an environmental protection strategy as an element of the strategy for regional socioeconomic development. Keywords Novosibirsk oblast ecological policy nature conservation strategy ecological priorities target ecological indicators