A Distributed Kinematic Wave¨CPhilip Infiltration Watershed Model Using FEM, GIS and Remotely Sensed Data
Distributed rainfall–runoff modeling is very important in the water resources planning of a watershed. In this study, a kinematic wave based distributed watershed model which simulates runoff on an event basis has been presented here. The finite element method (FEM) has been used to simulate the overland runoff and channel flow. Philip model has been used for the infiltration estimation. To find out runoff at the outlet of the watershed, both overland flow and channel flow models are coupled. The coupled model has been applied to a typical Indian watershed. Remotely sensed data has been used to obtain the land use (LU)/land cover (LC) for the watershed. Slope map of the watershed has been obtained using geographical information systems (GIS). The grid map of the watershed which contains overland flow elements connecting to channel flow elements has been prepared in GIS. The elemental input files such as slope and Manning’s roughness are prepared using the GIS and are directly used in the model. The model has been calibrated using some of the rainfall events and validated for some other events. The model results are compared with the observed data and found to be satisfactory. A sensitivity study of the infiltration parameters, overland and channel flow Manning’s roughness and time step has also been carried out. The developed model is useful for the simulation of event based rainfall–runoff for small watersheds.