Offshore wind energy development in China: Current status and future perspective
Year 2010 is the significant year of offshore wind power development in China. The first national offshore wind power project is connected to the grid, and the first round of concession projects marks the strong support from central government. It is foreseeable that offshore wind power capacity in China will expand rapidly, and play a notable role in the transition to a sustainable energy system, therefore, the understanding pattern of it is crucial for analyzing the overall wind market in China and global offshore wind power development. This paper firstly provides an overview of global offshore wind power development, then in China, including historical installation, potential of resources, demonstration and concession projects, and target of development. Furthermore, a comprehensive overview of advantages and challenges for developing offshore wind in China is presented. Based on this, analysis on current policies related to offshore wind power and their implementation, current wind farm developers and turbine manufacturers as well as technology transfer and development of China's offshore wind industry is done. All the previous analysis generates complete evaluation of current status and future perspectives of China offshore wind power development, based on which some policy recommendations for sustainable development of offshore wind power are made.