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在阅读活动中,眼睛的运动与文字的即时加工密切相关,读者通过对文本的注视(约200~250 ms)获取阅读所必须的信息。消失文本范式常用于考察信息获取的时间问题,其基本原理是通过操纵所考察词的呈现时间,限制读者在首次注视的开始阶段对词视觉信息进行编码的机会,从而探讨读者在阅读过程中获取文本信息所需的时间(Blythe,Liversedge,Joseph,White,&Rayner,2009;Liversedge et al.,2004;Rayner,Liversedge,White,&Vergilino-Perez,2003)。拼音文字阅读的研究发现:当文本呈现时间为50-60ms时能够满足正常阅读加工的需要。然而研究者对表意文字(例如,中文)需要呈现多长时间能够支持正常阅读所需的了解并不多。因此,本研究报告三项采用消失文本范式的实验,考察中文阅读中读者获取文本视觉信息所需要的时间。被试所阅读句子均由双字词构成,同时包含一个高频或低频的目标词。句子呈现方式为正常和消失文本条件,其中消失条件指注视词(实验1a&1b)或注视右侧词n+1(实验2)在注视20,40,60或80ms后消失。结果显示,所有消失文本操作对阅读效率影响均非常小,虽然注视词消失时再注视减少、回视增加,而右侧词n+1消失时再注视增加。此外,消失条件下正常的词频效应表明,即使注视词或右侧词n+1呈现极短暂时间,词汇识别依然正常。本研究揭示出中文阅读中文本视觉和词汇加工的高效性。
Studies using the disappearing text paradigm with alphabetic languages, such as English, show words must remain visible for as little as 60 ms following fixation for reading to be normal. But little is known about the time required to identify words when reading logographic languages, such as Chinese. Accordingly, we report several studies that used this paradigm to investigate the visual requirements for reading Chinese. Participants read sentences composed uniformly of two-character words, including a target word of high or low lexical frequency. Sentences were displayed normally or the fixated word(Experiment 1a & 1b), or the word to its right(Experiment 2), was visible for a limited period(20, 40, 60, 80ms) following fixation before disappearing. Disappearing text had little effect on reading rates, although readers made fewer refixations and more regressions when the fixated word disappeared, and more refixations when the word to its right disappeared, similar to findings from English. Additionally, normal word frequency effects were observed in these experiments, demonstrating that words were recognized normally even when the fixated word, or the word to its right, disappeared soon after fixation. The findings reveal the remarkable efficiency of the visual and lexical processing of text when reading Chinese.