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     本研究利用Sepharose4FF和Plasmidselect Xtra层析柱获得纯度较高的超螺旋质粒,优化病毒包装条件,利用HiLoad16/10Q和HiLoad16/10SP层析柱得到较高纯度的的rAAV病毒颗粒,通过浓缩进一步提高了病毒滴度。
Lung cancer is the first cause for cancer deaths in the world, which is a commonand highly deteriorating lung tumor, and its therapeutic methods still includechemotherapy, radiotherapy and operative therapy at present. In recent years,5-yearsurvival rate of lung cancer patients is only14%, so active searches of new lungcancer therapy strategy becomes urgent subject and gene therapy is one of the searchdirections.
     As one of nuclear transcription protein Nkx2gene family members, NKX2.1geneis deemed as one new proto-oncogene that participates in the growth of lungadenocarcinoma and whose over-expression in lung adenocarcinoma considerablyincreases oncogenicity of tumour, so, it is selected as a target gene in the moleculartherapy. hIL-24is the cancer suppressor gene of cytokines level found recently, andplays a role in suppressing the growth of various tumor cells and inducing tumor cellapoptosis without toxic and side effects on normal cells. hIL-24may be used as idealcancer suppressor gene in this study. In this study, recombinant AAV is used as a newvector owing to its higher extensive host range, low immunogenicity and long-termexogenous gene expression potential, which is to co-express of the special siRNA andrecombinant hIL-24in the typical lung adenocarcinma cell, to prove its capacityinhibiting protooncogene expression in molecular level, to verify its functionsuppressing growth of cancer cell and induction of apoptosis. The related processstudy relating to exogenous gene design, cloning, and restructuring of virus vector andinternal expression is also included.
     On the one hand, this study devises three special siRNAs targeting at NKX2.1gene, constructs psiRNA-hH1ne and pAAV-MCS plasmids by means of DNA codingsequence, and assemblies rAAV-NX virus. For the infected NCI-H1975cells, it isproved through RT-QPCR and WB experiments that siRNA inhibits the expressionof NKX2.1and siRNA3shows the significant inhibition effect. MTT and apoptosisexperiments prove that the expression of the NKX2.1gene down-regulated byrAAV-NX-mediated siRNA may suppress the growth of the lung adenocarcinomaNCI-H1975cells and induce their apoptosis.
     On the other hand, in this study, the hIL-24gene cDNA sequence on pcDNA6.0 plasmid vector is amplified by PCR and cloned onto pAAV-MCS vector to assemblerAAV-hIL-24virus. RT-PCR and WB experiments prove that rAAV-hIL-24-mediatedexogenous hIL-24may express in NCI-H1975cells and it is found in MTT, cellcycle and apoptosis experiments that it inhibits the growth of NCI-H1975cells,disturb cell cycle, and induce their apoptosis.
     This study further recombines the siRNA3coding sequence and exogenoushIL-24into the same recombinant virus vector rAAV-N3-hIL-24at differentrestriction enzyme cutting sites. It is also found in MTT and TUNEL experimentsthat in NCI-H1975cells joint expression inhibits the growth of cancer cells andpromotes significantly apoptosis of cancer cells.
     In this study, the supercoiled plasmid is purified by Sepharose4FF andPlasmidselect Xtra plasmid purification chromatography columns. Then optimizevirus packaging conditions. By HiLoad16/10Q and HiLoad16/10SP plasmidpurification chromatography columns, rAAV virus of higher purity is obtained andvirus titer is increased after further concentration.
     The experiment tries respective expression and co-expression of exogenoussiRNA and protein gene on rAAV vector, and has obtained initial achievements thatmay be used as references for lung adenocarcinoma therapy by gene collaborationtaking AAV as vector in the future.
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