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. 第一章简单回顾了国内外电信业的发展现状和趋势。我国电信业自改革开放以来获得了长足的发展:从八十年代电话的装机难到2002年的固定电话突破4亿户、移动电话突破2亿户,我们一共只用了短短十几年的时间。与此同时国际电信业在保持语音业务平稳发展的同时,基于internet的数据业务却呈现出爆炸性的增长。国际电信市场在技术发展的带动下日益自由化,我国也已承诺了在加入WTO后的一定年限内开放国内电信市场。
    第二章评论了目前中国电信业基于拆分和重组的改革。为了加强国内电信业的竞争力, 我国于1998年和2002年对电信业进行了拆分和重组,形成了目前以中国电信,中国网通、中国移动、中国联通、中国铁通为主,中国卫通为辅,4000多家增值电信,无线寻呼企业相互竞争的“5+1”电信市场新格局。我们改革的目的是使中国电信业从行政化垄断走向市场化垄断,从而在市场有序竞争中提高我国电信企业的国际竞争能力。
    第五章论述中国电信企业在入世后如何提高竞争能力。首先要加快电信行业内部各运营企业的自身建设,深化企业内部改革,大力推进现代企业制度建设,制定实现经营目标的组织管理模式。其次要促进电信运营企业之间的合作竞争。无论从无序竞争造成的危害和损失、企业效益的长期稳定和提高,还是从行业监管的逐步完善和效能来看,合作竞争都是中国电信业各大运营商的恰当选择。合作竞争追求的是合作,但也不放弃竞争,这正是符合客观规律的事物两重性。各电信运营商合作竞争的基础是网络间的互联互通,互联互通同时也是合作竞争的基础。接着电信运营企业要努力开创电信营销的新局面。电信服务不但是互联互通和全程全网的,而且还具有无形性和非实体性。因此对电信企业来说,树立良好的服务形象就尤为重要。这不仅要求强化员工服务意识,提高服务技能,规范服务窗口,还需要拓展服务渠道,贴近客户。在良好服务形象的基础上电信企业要进行服务创新,努力开发新的服务项目,提高电信服务的技术含量。电信企业在任何服务项目的开发上,都必须在把服务推出之前就进行精心的设计。如果服务得不到很好的设计,就得不到市场的响应,就会偏离客户的需要,就会使客户的期望和实际经历之间出现差距,恶化客户感知到的服务质量。在此同时电信企业还要高度重视营销人才的培养,因为企业营销创新成功与否归根到底要取决于企业是否能拥有一批合格的、知识型的营销人才。最后一点是在入世环境下我国电信企业要提高自身的国际竞争力。 国际竞争力是竞争力资产与竞争力过程的统一,是一个动态的、相对的指标,在不同的时间、空间条件下,各构成要素的影响和作用是不完全均等的。对此我们不但要加快电信业的法制建设工作,而且要使电信企业在生产经营与资本经营上实现“两条腿”?
Our telecommunication industry has gained great achievement since the implementation of the reform policy: the total number of telephone users has exceeded 400000000,in which the number of mobile phone is 200000000. All these change has taken place no longer than decades. At the same time when the international telecommunication sees the continual growth of the voice business, the Internet based data business has showed explosive growth. Led by rapid technical development the international telecommunication market is more deregulation than usual today. China has made its commitment to open the domestic telecommunication market several years after the entry of the WTO
    Recently in order to raise the competency of our telecommunication industry, we has underwent the reorganization of the telecommunication in 1998 and 2002. Nowadays there are not only six main telecommunication operators: China Telecom、CNC、China Mobile 、China Unicom、China Railway Communication、 China Satellite Communication, but also 4000 value-added small operators and pager enterprises. The purpose of our reform is change the domestic telecommunication from administrative monopoly to the real market monopoly. Through the analysis of the effect to competitive efficiency 、 customer welfare and the development of the telecommunication, we can draw the conclusion that only the part style split is the most efficient way for our telecommunication industry to enhance its competence.
    Concerning the reorganization we now discuss problem of the bulwark for new suppliers to enter the market and the government regulation. The economic analysis of the bulwark problem take three considerations into account: the route dependence 、the sunk cost and anti-competition behavior. The route dependence happens when customers will accept certain service even it means that they must lost some benefits. The sunk cost problem means that new suppliers will not cover their investment due to the lack of users. The anti-competition behavior refer to the all kinds of methods used by the market-lead monopolizer to impede the new competitor. All those mentioned problems form the bulwark in the market. Solutions to these problems lies on two sides: the unique advantages for the new competitors and the reform of government regulation. The new competitors can use the latest technology to enter the market properly. The goal for the government regulation is to maximize the social welfare. Such goal can realize only when the way of the regulation is suit for the change of the telecommunication market. The government regulation must undergo some reform after the reorganization of the telecommunication industry: in one side to enact new regulations under new environment, in another side to support the new competitors for a competitive market.
    Another key issue is to prevent the telecommunication industry after the reorganization from rebuild the administrative monopoly. The solution for this issue concerning the institutional innovation in this industry. Analyzing the domestic telecommunication system, we can see there are many shortcomings in macro-management and micro-body. In macro-management the direct administrative order plays a important role in the reform and development process of the telecommunication industry. The macro-management is not built on nomocracy base. The micro-body lacks the kind of energetic、modern corporation system The telecommunication institutional innovation exert effect to some related groups, such as operators、customers and government departments. Some may support the institutional innovation, some may opposite it. Take all considerations into account, combined with the China entry of the WTO, our telecommunication institutional innovation shall include both government departments and telecommunication operators. For a better macro-management, the regulation department must be more independent, for which its outlay be marketwise. In addition we shall actively use the strength of the expert committee and industry self-
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    2 杨帆 [中国走向选择]北京:石油工业出版社,2000年
    3 丁伟 [外资电信守望中国] 知识经济,2001年第12期
    4 王乾坤 [幕后的跨国巨头们] 经济观察报,2001年1月14日:
    5 史言信 《当代财经》98年第C9期
    6 陈宏平:《市场结构的动态性与政府管制对策》,载《经济评论》,2001(1)
    7 《南方周末》1998年上半年连续登载了一些批评中国电信服务业的文章;《福建工商报经营周刊》2000年3月14日报道了对中国电信的投诉统计情况
    8 参见张维迎、盛洪:《从电信业看中国的反垄断问题》,载《改革》,1998(2)
    9 陈宏平、陇小渝:《管制下的企业行为与绩效分析》,载《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》,2000(1)
    10 张宇燕:《中国制度变迁的案例研究》,第1集,149~189页,上海,上海人民出版社,1996
    11 陈小洪:《中国电信业:政策、产业组织的变化及若干建议》,载《管理世界》,1999(1)
    12 《中国证券报》,1999-04-22;《ChinaByte》,1999-07-20,1999-07-22,1999-09-23;《互联网周刊》,1999-06-29;《科学时报》,1999-11-17;《网络报》,1999-03-29的相关报道
    13 《人民邮电报》,1999-11-04;《经济参考报》,2000-01-19;《互联网周刊》,2000-01-13的相关报道
    14 朱金周.我国电信业竞争力的国际比较 . 通信世界,2001,(30).
    15 杨瑞龙.我国制度变迁方式转换的三阶段论 . 经济研究,1998,(1).
    16 王小鲁.中国经济增长的可持续性与制度变革 . 经济研究,2000,(7).
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    19 赛迪网-通信产业报 朱道平 2003年03月05日 1
    20 唐守廉.电信—服务质量与服务营销 . 北京:北京邮电大学出版社2000
    21 任世龄.有关对服务的几个认识问题 . 电信研究,2000.(10)
    22 李洁.世界电信市场 . 海外电信,1999.(6)
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    24 李实.论第三产业产品的特性及经营对策 . 中国第三产业,1994.(6)
    25 王与君 中国经济国际竞争力 南昌:江西人民出版社,2000
    26 晓雯 电信立法的改革 通信世界,2000-04-18
    27 [英]彼得·诺兰,[中]王小强 战略重组 上海:文汇出版社,1999
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    29 余凯成.人力资源开发与管理 北京:企业管理出版社,1999
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    31 何志勇,郑长德.公司理财 . 重庆:西南财经大学出版社,1998
    32 Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes (英).公司战略教程 . 北京:华夏出版社,1998
    33 Armstrong M. Network interconnection in telecommunications [J].
    34 The Economic Journal,1998,5:545-565.
    35 Domon K. Ota K,Acess pricing and market structure [J].Information Economic and Policy ,2001,13:77-93.
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    37 International Journal of Industrial Organization,2000,18:445 -470.
    1 信息产业部网站
    2 信息产业部网站
    3 参见沈大勇,王火灿 《WTO基础电信协议》 黄山书社
    4 指租用别人的设施,经过包装后再推出自己的产品和服务的运营商
    5 参见 张东操.《中国电信将被再分》.中国青年报,2001 05 22.
    6 Domon K. Ota K,《Acess pricing and market structure 》
    7 “资费调整—网民喜,市民忧” 新华网,2001 04 03
    8 专指在电信业务之间实施不同的价格,利用赢利部分弥补亏损部分的做法
    9 Armstrong M.《Network interconnection in telecommunication》
    10 Laffont ypTiroleJ.《Network competition》Journal of Economics,1998,Spiring 37
    11 D. 诺斯.《财产权利与制度变迁》三联书店,1994
    12 指在不引起个体损失的情况下使总体福利得到改善的经济学行为
    13 全称为 Code Division Multiple Access, 即码分多址的通信技术
    14 参见周其仁《数网竞争》上海:三联书店,2001年
    15 指能够将语音通信和多媒体通信相结合的第三代移动通信系统
    16 指以合理的价格在领土的每一角落提供经常、优质的基本通信服务
    17 D·诺斯.《财产权利与制度变迁》上海人民出版社,三联书店,1994.
    18 戴维·菲尼《.制度安排的需求与供给》.北京:商务印书馆,2001.144.
    19 王小鲁.《中国经济增长的可持续性与制度变革》.经济研究,2000
    21 戴维·菲尼. 《制度分析与发展的反思》北京:商务印书馆,2001.122
    22 指利用合法或非法手段获取非生产性经济利润的行为