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Engineering research center is a new science research and development unit oriented from market. It is an important tool to stimulate the change of science technology to real productivity. It also stimulates the close combination among government, university and corporation. All together they improve the important part of national innovation system. Engineering research includes engineering research, engineering service and engineering education. China engineeringt research center made great achievement in recent ten years in terms of the combination of production and study, improvement of industry technology level and cultivating project technology persons. But it also has many problems such as unclear orientation and development, uncertain interest relation with other parts, unclear distribution of rights and interests and internal management rigidity and etc. These problems seriously restrict its efficient running and the realization of its aim. This article analyzes the university and corporation cooperation engineering center. It provides the cooperation mode of university and corporation cooperation engineering center. It provides the theory guide for engineering research center. This article has fore chapters as follows:
     The first chapter introduces the history background of engineering research center such as: the basic reason, that is the integration of science and technology; the international competition changing influences the American industry. It introduces the situation of national and international engineering research center: mainly concludes American engineering research center, Australia cooperation research center and china engineeringt research center theory and practice situation. And it compares the national and international engineeringt research center. It analyzes china engineering research center problems and experiences from four aspects: the quantity, quality, the emphasis degree to engineering education and industry co-operation, and industry participants.
     The second chapter analyzes now engineering research center’s several key problems on the basis of theory research and practice development: unclear orientation and development of engineering research center, uncertain relations among engineering research center and government, universities and corporations, unclear rights and interests distribution of engineering research center, faultiness of engineering research center internal management and so on. Then it finds the reasons of these problems. These problems restrict the engineering research center development in the marketing economics.
     The third chapter is most important part of the article. It talks about cooperation mechanism mode of universities and corporation engineering research center. It solves the engineering research center problems in terms of environment effects, government rights change, rights and interest distribution mode and implementing project management mode.
     1. Engineering research center and environment reciprocity, the macro environment of project research center provides guarantee for the entity of engineering research center. At the same time, the environment role to engineering research center restricts the running status of engineering research center. The influence of social culture environment demands engineering research center solve two different organization characteristics, culture background and value orientation cooperation problems. Science environment demands engineering research center conform university and corporation and develop its own core technology ability; system law environment provides knowledge protect policy for engineering research center technology results; industry organization environment multiplies the engineering research center running modes; market environment demands engineering research center change and introduce market competition mechanism; finance environment provides big financing space for engineering research center.
     2.Government’s right and interest change to engineering research center: analyze government’s role to engineering research center under bad market situation with the sanity of market system, role change of government, the relation of engineering research center and government. It has view of increasing purpose management of government to engineering research center, and decreasing direct interruption to engineering research center.
     3.Settlement engineering research center orientation and development and rights and interest problems with the study among university, corporation and engineering research center. This part analyzes two core problems: the first, engineering research center will use stock system corporation running mode. This mode will provide organization guarantee for engineering research center. The second, the content of engineering research center: first one is the belonging of technology results. That is knowledge rights issue. The second one is the distribution of economic interests. It is important for engineering research center to have self knowledge right. It means that engineering research center will distribute its profits according to stock with the example of Jilin university special engineering plastic education ministry. This will guide the engineering research center.
     4.Project management layer studies engineering research center internal management problems according to market environment and its own characteristic. It takes the project management idea to the engineering research center internal management. It will solve the rigidity problem of project research center management. The forth chapter concludes the main point of this article.
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