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肝素是糖醛酸和葡萄糖胺及它们的衍生物连接而成的具有不同链长的线性多糖,是开发最早、临床应用最广泛的糖胺聚糖类大分子药物。这类药物能够参与、影响和调控人体代谢和生理功能,临床上主要作为抗凝血药物。此外,它还具有调血脂、抗炎、抗过敏以及免疫调节等重要功能。肝素是我国最重要的生化原料药出口品种之一,占世界肝素原料药贸易份额高达87%。肝素的生产过程主要是指从肝素原料的评价开始一直到肝素成品入库的整个过程。在该过程中,多硫酸软骨素(Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate, OSCS)这一肝素结构类似物,能够引起严重的不良反应,应杜绝其掺入;肝素结构的完整性是保持其生物活性的基础,在生产中应尽量避免肝素结构的破坏;与肝素相结合的杂蛋白易产生过敏反应,生产过程中必须尽量去除;醇沉环节是影响肝素产品质量和收率的关键单元操作,应严格控制。因此,寻找精准质量控制方法可为保证肝素钠质量,保障广大人民的用药安全提供重要的技术支持。但实现精准控制的前提是对工艺过程的深刻理解,这就需要有效的过程分析技术做保证。
     近红外光谱分析技术(Near-infrared Spectroscopy, NIRS)作为一种快速、有效的过程分析方法,已经在化工等领域的过程分析中验证了其应用价值,但是在肝素钠等糖胺聚糖类药物过程分析中的应用还没有研究。
     本研究采用偏最小二乘β判别(Partial Least Squares Beta Classification, PLSBC)和K-最邻近距离算法(K-nearest Neighbor, KNN)两种模式识别方法分别对93份肝素钠原料药样品(47份不含有OSCS的精品肝素钠样品,46份含有OSCS的肝素钠样品)的近红外光谱进行了定性判别分析,分别选择34份不含有OSCS的精品肝素钠样品和34份含有OSCS的肝素钠样品建立定性分析模型,并利用剩余样品对模型进行验证。PLSBC验证结果表明当OSCS的含量大于0.7%时,可以有效地判别出含有OSCS的肝素钠样品。KNN验证结果表明所建KNN模型能够100%正确判别样品中是否含有OSCS。为进一步验证不同含量OSCS与不含有OSCS的精品肝素钠的关系,将不含有OSCS的精品肝素钠作为A等级,并根据OSCS含量的不同,将含有OSCS的肝素钠样品划分为5个含量等级,分别为B、C、D、E和F, OSCS含量等级判别时模型的判断正确率达83.33%。以上结果表明,运用NIRS可鉴别肝素钠样品中是否含有OSCS,这可为实际生产中原料药中是否含有OSCS提供可靠且快速的检测方法
     2. NIRS用于快速监测粗品肝素离子交换层析过程的研究
     本研究选取肝素离子交换纯化过程流出液为对象,收集80份吸附过程样品和76份洗脱过程样品,采用偏最小二乘(Partial Least Squares, PLS)算法分别建立吸附过程和洗脱过程流出液中肝素含量的NIRS定量分析模型。通过模型优化,最终选取光谱特征点8666cm-1,7160cm-1,5365cm-1建立吸附过程肝素含量定量分析模型,验证集预测均方根误差(RMSEP)=0.29g/L,验证集相关系数Rp=0.957,验证集标准偏差与预测标准偏差的比值RPD=3.4472;选取6098-5802cm-1这一波段范围建立洗脱过程肝素含量定量分析模型,RMSEP=3.55g/L, Rp=0.9647, RPD=3.9849。并按照样品批次将模型预测含量与参考值进行比较,肝素含量测定的参考值和近红外光谱模型预测值绘制的肝素含量变化趋势基本接近。所建方法具有快速、无损等优点,无需复杂的样品前处理,可直接对流出液样品进行检测,实现层析过程的实时跟踪。
     3. NIRS用于醇沉过程中肝素钠含量的测定研究
     本研究通过模拟肝素钠的醇沉过程,收集5批共80个醇沉过程样品,离心后取上清,采集上清的近红外光谱并测定其肝素含量。首先采用主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PC A)对醇沉过程进行光谱的特征性分析,不同批次之间主成分的变化趋势基本一致,第一主成分随着时间的推移得分不断的增加,揭示了乙醇量的不断增加;第二主成分可以较好的反应醇沉体系的稳定程度,开始向溶液中加入乙醇,肝素大量沉淀出来,体系的稳定性被破坏,在30-40min时,溶液中肝素的含量变化曲线出现拐点,主成分的得分也相应到达拐点;之后溶液中的肝素含量很低,体系又慢慢趋于稳定。结果表明通过PCA得分图的变化规律,可以很好地揭示整个肝素醇沉过程的变化趋势。其次,采用一阶导数SG15点平滑、交叉验证选取3个主成分数,在9034.87-8940.37cm-1、8649.17-8554.68cm-1、7974.21-7686.87cm-1、7395.67-7301.18cm-1以及5949.32-5758.4cm-1的波数范围建立肝素含量的PLS定量分析模型,绝对系数R2=0.974,交互验证均方根误差(RMSECV)=1.4089g/L,用建立的模型对结果进行预测,RMSEP=1.1054g/L。实验结果表明运用NIRS监测醇沉母液中肝素含量准确度和精密度均能满足工厂需要。
     本研究对47份效价分布范围在154-162IU/mg的肝素钠精品进行效价与近红外光谱之间的关联性探讨。通过对肝素钠精品的效价与近红外光谱建立PLS模型,预测肝素钠精品的效价,同时考察了相关系数法、间隔偏最小二乘法(interval PLS, iPLS)、连续投影算法(Successive Projections Algorithm, SPA)三种波段选择方法对模型预测能力的影响以及吸光度、效价、结构之间的关系。结果表明相关系数法所选择的波段具有最佳的模型参数,Rp=0.8868, RMSEP=0.7925IU/mg, RMSECV=1.2786IU/mg.相关系数法选择的波段分布范围较广,涵盖C-H键振动的一级倍频、二级倍频、组合频,1800-2100nm的强烈吸收是由于O-H键的组合频引起,这些吸收区间均与肝素的结构有很大相关性,包含了肝素结构的诸多有效信息,因此相关系数法所选择的波段能产生最优的预测结果。
Heparin is a linear polysaccharide with a repeating disaccharide unit of1,4-linked uronic acid (D-glucuronic (GlcA) or L-iduronic (IdoA) acid) and D-glucosamine (GlcN) residues. It is a kind of macromolecule glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) drugs which was first developed and used in clinical application. It will participate, affect and regulate metabolism and physiological function. It is mainly used as an anticoagulant in clinical, meanwhile it can regulate the blood fat and can be used as anti-inflammatory, antiallergic drugs and immunomodulator. Heparin, one of the most important biological raw material drug, takes up as high as87%of the world share of trade. The production process of heparin refers to the whole process from evaluation of heparin API to production storage. Oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS), a contaminant in heparin. can cause serious adverse reactions so thant it should be avoided doped. The biological activity of heparin is based on the integrated structure so that structure destruction should be avoided in the production. In addition, the protein combined with heparin is prone to allergic reactions and it must be removed as much as possible in the production process. As for one of the key unit operations affecting the quality and yield of heparin, the process of alcohol precipitation should be strictly controlled. Therefore, it is great important to find a precise method to ensure the quality of heparin. And a vaild process analytical technology can give a deep understanding the process to precise control of the production process.
     Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis technology used as a fast and effective method has been widely used in chemical industry for process monitoring, but there is yet no research paper about near-infrared spectroscopy reported in the application of heparin manufacture process.
     Under these consideration, this thesis aimed at reseaech on the discriminant of OSCS in heparin active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), ion exchange process of crude heparin, and the procrss of ethanol precipitation using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric. And the relationship between potency of heparin and near-infrared spectra of heparin was also studied. These studies will lay a theoretical foundation for application NIRS on the production process control of heparin.
     The results and conclusion of the research about heparin process based on NIRS are listed belows:
     1. Research on a rapid detection of OSCS in heparin API by NIRS
     In this study, two pattern recognition methods, Partial Least Squares Beta Classification (PLSBC) and K-nearest Neighbor (KNN) were used to qualitative discriminant analysis of93heparin API samples (47heparin samples not containing OSCS,46heparin samples containing OSCS) based on near-infrared spectroscopy.34heparin samples not containing OSCS and34heparin samples containing OSCS were used to establish qualitative analysis model, and the model was validated using the remaining samples. The results of PLSBC indicate that NIRS can detect the OSCS effectively when the content greater than0.7%in heparin. Then a method KNN combined with PCA was investigated in detecting OSCS. The17validation samples were predicted correctly, the accuracy rate was100%. In order to further validate the relationship betwent the heparin samples not containing OSCS and heparin samples containing OSCS, we treated heparin samples not containing OSCS as A level, and divided heparin samples containing OSCS into five different content levels such as B level, C level, D level, E level and F level according to OSCS content. Then the result showed that there were two samples which were predicted wrongly in different OSCS content levels, the accuracy rate in OSCS was83.33%.
     2. Application of NIRS in monitoring of crude heparin purification process
     Ion-exchange chromatography is a widely used purification technology in the heparin manufacturing process. To improve the efficiency and understand the process directly, a rapid and equally precise method needs to be developed to measure heparin concentration in chromatography process. Here, two robust partial least squares (PLS) models were established for quantification of heparin based on NIRS with80samples of adsorption process and76samples of elution process. Several variables selection algorithms, including correlation coefficient method, successive projection algorithm (SPA) and interval partial least squares (iPLS), were performed to remove non-informative variables. The results showed that the correlation coefficient of validation (Rp) and the residual predictive deviation (RPD) corresponded to0.957and3.4472for adsorption process,0.968and3.9849for elution process, respectively. The approach was found considerable potential for real-time monitoring the heparin concentration of chromatography process.
     3. Application of NIRS in determination of heparin content in ethanol precipitation process
     Ethanol precipitation process is a key unit operation in the heparin production, and fluctuations of process parameters will lead to an unstable product quality and differences among batches. First, score control charts were established to identify the characteristic trajectory of all batches by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). And the all five batches had a similar trajectory. In addition, the plot showed that the first principal component reflected the content change trend of ethanol, while the second principal component reflected the stability of ethanol precipitation internal system. Then, a PLS model to predict the heparin content in the precipitation process. Five batches of heparin mother liquor were collected under the same ethanol precipitation conditions, and the transmission spectra were associated with the heparin content which was determined by sulfuric acid method. A PLS model was established to predict the content in mother liquor. And the R2was0.974, ang the values of RMSEP and RMSECV was1.1054g/1and1.4089g/1. Throughout the study, NIRS was proved to be an effective tool for determination of heparin content in ethanol precipitation process.
     4. Association studies on heparin potency and NIRS
     In this study,47heparin samples with pontency among154IU/mg and162IU/mg were investigated to study the association between the potency and NIRS. The PLS model was established to predict the potency and meanwhile the variables effect was investigated to find the ralationship between the absorbance of heparin, potency and the structure of the heparin. Several variables selection algorithms, including correlation coefficient method, SPA and iPLS, were performed to remove non-informative variables. The results showed that the correlation coefficient method having the best model parameters, and the value of Rp was0.8868, while the values of RMSEP and RMSECV was0.7925IU/mg and1.2786IU/mg. A wide distribution of variables was selected by correlation coefficient method, which covered the first overtone, second overtone and some combination overtone of C-H. In addition, the strong absorption of1800-2100nm of was due to the combination of OH bond. And these selected had great correlation with the structure of heparin, so the variables selected by the correlation coefficient method was able to produce the priority prediction results.
     Major innovative achievements:
     1. Established a method to identify OSCS in heparin API using NIRS combined with PLSBC and KNN.
     2. Established a method to monitor the heparin content in the ion-exchange process of crude heparin using NIRS combined with multivariate analysis.
     3. Established a method to qualitative and quantitative analysis of heparin content in ethanol precipitation process
     4. Studied the association between the heparin potency and NIRS, and optimized NIRS quantitative analysis model of heparin potency.
     5. Revealed the associated regularity between NIRS and heparin in the different systems, and studied the different characteristics among substances.
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