1. [地质云]滑坡
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     本文做的主要工作是:1)、提出了装、退套机的基本结构;2)、利用三维参数化设计软件PRO/ENGINEER2001,实现了装、退套机的实体建模,结合大型有限元分析(FEA)软件ANSYS对装、退套机的关键受力部件进行了网格线划分和受力分析,确保推力主轴和C型夹具在工作过程中拥有的足够强度。3)、利用了ANSYS 8.0自带的OPT(优化技术)对C型夹具进行了结构上的优化,实现了一定强度和刚度的条件下,C型夹具的质量最小,使装、退套机的质量得到了改善,结构更趋于合理化;4)、根据合金套和吊耳的过盈配合关系,应用弹塑性力学中的两个简单厚臂圆筒理论及第四强度理论,结合轴套装配方案特性,在C++ Builder平台上开发出了过盈配合装配力的求解器,它能求解出所有过盈配合所需装配力,并将各种配合尺寸和过盈量的数据库存化,以便将来调用。过盈配合所求解出的装配力,在理论上可作为判断松、紧套的依据。实际操作中只须输入车架的型号和耐磨套的尺寸,即可直接查到相应的装配力的最大值和最小值,系统根据这个最大值和最小值,就能有效、及时的在装配过程中实现相应的报警,基本实现了装、退套过程的智能化。
In order to be insured the safety of driving of train , the nation has prescribed that the frame of the train must be repaired completely every four years. When being repaired the old resist grind bushings must be exchanged to new ones. Because there is a relation of the tight fitting between the resist grind bushing and suspension yoke, and the suspension yokes distribute many corner in the frame, which make against to work by machine. Now there are not special device to preferably finishing load and unload of resist grind bushing o The tradition method not only may kill great work and low work efficiency but also may cause accident hidden trouble.
    By analyzing the suspension yokes' distributing characteristic in the train frame of 206 and 209 type the peculiarity between the resist grind bushings and the suspension yokes and restriction condition of device during the process of assemble, it puts forward a different project from tradition's. Furthermore, it designs an intelligent Machine with loading and unloading Bushing. This machine has not only eliminate the tradition method's shortcoming lightening the workers" labor intensity and enhancing work efficiency, but also gives different alarm by the disqualification such as over loose or over lighted. It has made up the blank in aspect in our nation.
    The main work of this article: firstly, bring forward the basic structure of machine with loading and unloading bushing; secondly, use 3D parameter design software Pro/Engineer 2001 to realize entity-modeling of machine with loading and unloading bushing. It uses the great software FEA ANSYS, analyzing the strength and mesh according to the main part of component, making sure of the main push axis and C-type clamp should have enough intension during the process of working; thirdly, by using the OPT technology of ANSYS 8.0, it realizes optimization on its structure and realize the minimize quality of C-type clamp under some intensity and pressure. The quality of machine with loading and unloading bushing has been improved and the structure of which has been
    turned rationalization; fourthly, According to the relation of the tight fitting between resist grind bushing and suspension yoke, making use of the two simple thick circles theory in the elastic-plastic mechanics and the fourth strength theory, it integrated theory with it's formulation characteristic and developed the solver of the tight fitting force in the system of C++ Builder .It could realize the solve of all tight fit force and save up the frame's size and the tight fitting's data in database in order to use in the future ?The assemble force of tight fitting can be used as the rule of estimating loose or tight bushing in theory. Actually, we only input the type of the frame and the size of the resist grind bushing in operation; we can immediately find the counterpart data of the assemble force - the maximum and the minimum. The system will can availably give a relevant alarm about the force of the assemble process in time according to the maximum and the minimum. It can realize intelligence during the process of loading and unloading bushing.
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