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    文中通过两间隙毛细管在 1 千焦电能水平下的主间隙放电实验,仔细研究了
Electrothermal plasmas are characterized by high number densities and
    relatively low plasma temperatures. Electrothermal plasma devices are of great
    importance in electrothermal or electrothermal chemical launchers and many other
    technological applications.
     In this thesis , a novel two-gap capillary plasma generator (TGCPG) is
    developed as a realistic alternative to the conventional capillary in electrothermal
    launchers and expected to be a versatile capillary plasma generator for other
    applications. It is designed to accomplish two goals: repetitive operation and a
    compact power supply system in which capillary itself serves as a closing switch. In
    addition, a simple power conditioning system with which a two-pulse discharge
    current curve can be generated for electrothermal launchers is also developed and its
    feasibility is theoretically and experimentally examined.
     In the experimental part of this thesis, the dependence of characteristics of the
    main discharge on the size of capillary, main capacitor and its initial charged voltage
    is obtained. The life expectation of TGCPG and the stability of the discharge
    characteristics under repetitive operation are examined. The dependence of the
    trigger delay time of TGCPG on the capillary size and trigger energy is also studied.
     Two one-dimensional time-dependent models of TGCPG are proposed to
    simulate the trigger process and the main discharge process respectively. The
    dependence of the exit parameters such as plasma density, pressure, temperature and
    velocity on the size of capillary, main capacitor and its initial charged voltage is
    studied, the trigger delay time is also calculated and its comparison with the
    experimental results gives a good agreement. It is found that capillary wall ablation
    can greatly change the behavior of trigger discharge arc and drastically diminishes
    the trigger delay time.
     In a word, this study focus on the characteristics of plasmas generated in
    TGCPG discharges by ablation-stabilized arcs, and some valuable conclusions are
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