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随着我国对虾养殖业的发展和低碳经济的提出,如何优化养殖池塘系统内部结构,降低对虾养殖生产对近岸环境的污染,成为人们日益关注的问题。本文于2009年4月至11月和2010年4月至10月在浙江省舟山市和山东省青岛市对对虾养殖模式中两种比较有代表性的高位池精养模式和生态养殖模式进行了调查和分析,以碳作为研究单位定量描述了两种养殖模式中各个组成成分之间的碳流通量,在此基础上利用Ecopath with Ecosim(EwE)软件分别对两种典型养殖模式进行建模,利用该模型的基本分析和网络分析(network analysis)功能模块对两种养殖生态系统的结构和特征进行了系统的量化研究。并通过已构建的模型进一步解析提高对虾养殖系统营养物质利用效率的途径,对两种典型的养殖模式提出相应的改进策略以达到增产减污的效果。主要研究结果如下:
     在高位池精养模式中,养殖对虾放苗密度较高,为150ind/m2,养殖对虾在养殖周期内生长速度维持在正常水平。水环境常规指标温度、盐度、溶解氧和pH值在实验周期中均在正常范围内变动,未影响对虾生产。随着养殖时间的延长,对虾个体增大饵料投入量也相应增多,养殖系统中水体DOC、POC和底泥TOC逐步升高。在养殖周期中浮游植物群落结构较为简单,其中个体较小的微微型浮游植物(<10μm)无论在生物量(76%)还是生产量(64.6%)上都占据主要地位;浮游动物群落在养殖周期中生物量一直呈现下降趋势,放养初期浮游动物生物量最高,后随着养殖对虾对其捕食压力的增大其生物量呈现逐渐下降的趋势,浮游动物群落呼吸量变化与生物量变化规律一致;养殖水体中浮游细菌生物量波动较大在1.69~11.8 gC/m2之间,浮游细菌的日生产量和日呼吸量变化同生物量变化趋势一致,与虾池水温、浮游生物、有机质及水体营养盐状况密切相关;底栖细菌生物量在整个养殖周期中波动不大,除了在养殖后期因为水温的降低使的底栖细菌生物量出现下降之外,在养殖前105d中一直呈现缓慢上升的趋势,其日生产量和日呼吸量变化与生物量变化一致;在养殖周期中,养殖对虾的体长和体重随着养殖时间的延长而逐步增加,但对虾体内碳含量波动较小,在养殖周期中没有显著差异。
As the development of shrimp culture and Low-carbon economy, people take more and more concern about how to mitigate both the waste nutritional matters and environmental impacts of effluent discharge from shrimp pond. The field works were carried out both in Zhoushan ZheJiang Province and Qingdao ShanDong Province from Apr. to Nov. , 2009 and Apr. to Oct. , 2010 to understand the basic physical, chemical and biological process between intensive penaeid shrimp culture and ecological cultivation. The Ecopath and Ecosim models were built up to find the approaches in efficiently transfer the waste matters in intensive penaeid shrimp culture and ecological cultivation. The present study aims to investigate the ecosystem characters in both cultures in order to find a way to make the shrimp culture more effective and environmentally friendly. The main results were shown as follows:
     1. Primary ecological characteristics of the physical and chemical environment and the characteristic of biocoenosis in intensive penaeid shrimp culture
     Although with higher stocking density of 150 ind/m2, the shrimp growth was not limited by any of the water quality parameters, including temperature, salinity ,DO and pH. DOC and POC in water and TOC in sediment increased with the progress of rearing. The income of organic carbon in shrimp ponds mainly includes phytoplankton production and feeds. The phytoplankton community was singleness during the culture. The picophytoplankton (<10μm) took the domination position not only in biomass(76%) but also in production(64.6%);The biomass of zooplankton steadied decline during the shrimp culture period . The biomass of zooplankton was highest in early days of shrimp culture period. It declined because the regulation of food intake by shrimp. The changes of biomass and daily respiration of zooplankton were alike; The biomass of pelagic bacteria in water ranged from 1.69 to 11.8gC/m2. The changes of daily production and respiration of pelagic bacteria were the same to the change of biomass, The biomass of sediment bacteria was increased slowly during shrimp culture period expect the last 15 days. The change rules of daily production and respiration of sediment bacteria were the same to the change of biomass; The weight and the length of cultured shrimp were increased during shrimp culture period, The organic carbon of shrimp obviously negatively correlated with time.
     2. Primary ecological characteristics of the physical and chemical environment and the characteristic of biocoenosis in ecological cultivation
     The shrimp growth was not limited by any of the water quality parameters, including temperature, salinity, DO and pH with lower stocking density of 15ind/m2. DOC and POC in water and TOC in sediment increased with the progress of rearing. The biomass of phytoplankton was different on difference levels during shrimp culture period. The microphytoplankton (<15μm) took the domination position not only in biomass(65%) but also in production(69%);There was not obvious regular in the change of the biomass of zooplankton. The change regularity of biomass was different between the marozooplankton and microzooplankton. The difference may be caused by the habit of shrimp feeding on different kinds of food. The daily respiration of zooplankton and the biomass were alike; The biomass of pelagic bacteria and sediment bacteria went up steadily during shrimp culture period. The daily production and respiration had a linear relationship with water temperature according to regressive analyses. The weight and the length of cultured shrimp were increased during shrimp culture period. The organic carbon of shrimp had a little difference but it was negatively correlated with time.
     3. Ecopath model based structure and function of intensive penaeid shrimp culture and ecological cultivation
     The transfer efficiency of intensive penaeid shrimp culture ecosystem was low because of its simple ecosystem. The ecotrophic efficiency of marozooplankton. diets and detritus (water) were 0.527 0.726 and 0.885 while others were much lower than 0.5. The utilizing efficiency of ecosystem was very low. The production of groups was wasted instead of be used by the ecosystem; The structure of ecological cultivation was more complex than intensive penaeid shrimp culture. The transfer efficiency was high. There were only three groups which were microzooplankton(0.494),sediment bacteria(0.237) and benthic dertritus(0.492) with low ecotrophic efficiency while others were much higher than 0.5. It implied that the utilizing efficiency of ecosystem was high. The productions were used by the ecosystem. With the help of mixed trophic impact (MTI ) in Ecopath, the best avenue was found to not only increase the output of shrimp but also make the environment more clean. Increasing the biomass of marozooplankton will be useful to increase the output of shrimp in intensive penaeid shrimp culture. Increasing the biomass of helpful germs will be much better to improve the ecotrophic efficiency of the system; There is a little difference in ecological cultivation. Increasing the biomass of chironomid larvae will be helpful to increase the ecotrophic efficiency of microzooplankton. sediment bacteria and benthic dertritus.
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