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    第二章:从内在需要和外在动因两方面,分析了我国当前尽快开放资本项目的必要性。首先 ,资本管制将国内市场与国外市场隔绝的能力不断弱化,是我国尽快开放资本项目的重要内在动因。众多的国际实践经验证明,在经济和金融全球化的背景下,对实行开放型经济的国家来说,要实现完全的资本管制防止任何形式的资本外逃、外资“热钱”流入,几乎是不可能的。因此这也说明资本管制只能在有限的时间内起到有限的隔离作用,并不能长期有效地保护国内经济和金融市场的发展。我国大量外逃资本的存在,以及违规“热钱”的流入,也说明我国资本管制将国内市场与国外市场隔绝的能力不断弱化。其次,加入世界贸易组织对我国资本项目管制的影响客观上推动了我国资本项目开放的进程。尽管加入世界贸易组织后,我国承诺世贸组织义务并不等于人民币资本项目可兑换。但世界贸易组织各项义务的核心就是减少政府对经济活动的行政干预,这无疑对我国实行资本管制形成更大的外部约束力。我国加入WTO后,随着削减关税,逐步取消非关税壁垒,增加贸易政策的透明度,放宽对外资的限制,开放目前受到限制的服务贸易市场等各项承诺的逐步落实,将大幅度推进我国贸易自由化和资本流动的自由化,尤其是银行业市场的全方位开放,必然对我国资本账户管理体系产生巨大的压力,明显威胁这些管制的有效性,也由此对资本账户开放提出了更迫切的要求。另外,资本项目开放后,便利国企重组及其跨境资本运营,有利于促进我国金融改革、金融创新和金融效率的提高,有利于国内企业和个人在全球范围内分散经济风险和增加金融投资的收益,有利于减少因实施资本管制而投入的管制费用,增加国家和社会效益,有利于推动我国金融市场的完善和深化等潜在的收益也是我国开放资本项目的重要动因。
    熟。 本部分首先从国有资产质量差、效率低、盈利水平低,资本充足率低,银行不良资产超额积累方面,深入剖析了我国国内金融体系的弱点,强调在资本项目开放的情况下,我国金融体系特别是国有银行体系的脆弱性会被放大,这将严重影响
According to global bureau of statistics, the exchangeability of a currency is divided into 3 categories; normal item transactions, financial item transactions, and a combination of both. Following the foreign exchange policy reforms in 1994, conditional currency exchange is possible for normal item transactions. Subsequently an announcement was made by Mr. Dai Xiang Long, chairman of the Mensheng Bank of China on the 27th November 1996 that as of 1st December 1996, all conditions stipulated in article 8 of IMF practice will be enforced, hence realizing full currency exchange under normal item transactions.
    With respect to currency exchange under financial item transactions, our country has placed relatively strict controls. It is recognized that these regulatory measures have protected our best interests, maintaining our balance of payments, and allowed us to evade the detrimental effects of the South-East Asian financial crisis while maintaining economic integrity and growth. However, from an international perspective, economic unification and financial liberalization is a pressing trend. Optimistically, this progression opens our doors, accelerates our penetration into the world markets and allows our currency to enter the mainstream global foreign exchange.
    In reality, May it be the World Trade Organization (WTO) or the International Monetary Funds (IMF), has high requirements over the financial accounts of its member countries. For example, the WTO has looked closely into the liberalization of service provision, in particular financial service provision. As for IMF, it clarified in the 1997 Annual Meeting that one of the main organization's objectives is to expand its role to promote financial liberalization. Since the Asian financial crisis, the IMF has pointed out on several occasions that financial liberalization brings along many benefits, yet it also presents many pitfalls. Although caution must be exercised, it has not deterred IMF's aim to achieve this objective. As such, loosening systematically financial controls, and hence realizing financial liberalization is the long-term goal of our economic policy reforms. It also presents itself as the pathway towards economic development and internationalization.
    This paper, divided into 3 sections, analyzes and discusses the anticipated problems of financial liberalization.
    Section 1: This section firstly defines the realms of financial liberalization. It then provides a deeper analysis of our country's latest controls.
    Currently on a macro scale, our country belongs to a group of countries with strict controls. Our country being the biggest developing Asian country is generally considered behind in many aspects as compared to more developed countries. In the process of catching up, relatively strict controls over financial activities are crucial. Under regulations, funds outflows are prevented on the one hand, economic stability is maintained on the other through control of reserves. At the same time, it also moderated the economic and financial effects of heavy funds inflows. Our past success with economic stability steady developments is a good testament of the effectiveness of our financial controls.
    Section 2: An analysis of the push factors towards financial liberalization generated by both internal and external stimulus.
    Firstly, controls directed towards financial isolation has weakened, this is one of the main domestic reasons for financial liberalization. From many international examples, under the growing trend of economic and financial globalization, a country in attempt to open its financial system has an almost impossible task of maintaining full control over funds leakage and 'hot cash' injections. Hence, this points to the fact that our controls can only achieve temporary financial isolation, and not the long-term protection of our domestic economic and financial development. Furthermore, signs of capital outflows and sudden injections of 'hot cash' inflows only reinforce the idea that our temporar
姜波克主编 :《国际金融学》——1999年出版
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    余维彬 刘华: WTO与中国资本项目管制 2002年第7期
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    王一萱:资本项目国际收支危机与东南亚金融危机 国际金融研究 2001.10
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    任 惠:中国资本外逃的规模测算和对策分析 经济研究 2001年第11期
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    姚枝仲 张亚斌:中国资本项目的变化及其宏观经济影响 世界经济 2001年第8期
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    关秀丽:新兴市场国家对资本流动的监管 经济研究参考 2002年第57
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    常志霄:资本项目自由化:发达国家和发展中国家的近期经验 国际金融2001年第5期
    张纪康 段伟:亚洲金融的开放与管制:现实与得失 世界经济 2001年第4期
    石柱群:外债对韩国金融的影响及中国的外债偿还能力 世界经济2002年第8期
     谢 平 张晓朴: 货币政策与汇率政策的三次冲突 国际经济评论 2003年5-6期
     曾诗鸿: WTO与中国资本项目有条件自由化研究 宏观经济参考 2002年第28期