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With the rapid development of the economy and culture in the world, the demand of foreign language education is becoming greater and greater. Moreover, people come to realize the importance of the spoken English. It is also the demand of the society to train the vocational school students’preliminary ability of using spoken English. However, the current situation is serious. On one hand, the vocational school students have little interest in spoken English. On the other hand, the vocational school teachers find it hard to teach spoken English because of their own limits.
     Guided by the Humanism, group dynamics and cooperative learning theory, the author gives a survey study on the causes of vocational school students’poor spoken English. At the same time, the author analyzes the result of the survey and states the strategies of how to improve the students’spoken English. Loving students is considered the foremost quality of a teacher. In addition, a teacher should encourage cooperative learning and arouse students’enthusiasm with all sorts of teaching methods.
     This paper is composed of five chapters. Chapter one is the opening part. In this part, the author states the background and purpose of the study and points out the necessity of improving the students’spoken English in vocational schools. Chapter two elaborates the influence of psychology theory on language teaching. The Humanim, group dynamics and cooperative learning theory play an important role in teaching the students’spoken English. In chapter three, the author carries out a general survey of the causes of the students’poor spoken English when they are studying at Baoshan vocational school. Furthermore, the result of the survey is analyzed and discussed. Chapter four discusses the strategies of improving the student’spoken English. In chapter five, the author summarizes the study of the paper.
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