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At a time when secondary vocational education faces an opportunity for rejuvenation, an important role plays Learning Styles Theory, which can offer mathematics teachers, working in secondary vocational schools, a theoretical guidance for reforming their teaching. Nowadays, however, few studies have been done in this respect. Therefore, in this paper we have done research on 263 students from five different majors of a secondary vocational school in PuTuo District, Shanghai, and have drawn the following conclusions:
     1. There is an apparent difference in preference for learning styles among students in secondary vocational school. E-R-N and E-N-R are the students’favorite learning styles, while some students prefer R-E-N and N-E-R to R-N-E and N-R-E. That is to say, Empirical learning style is their first choice, with Rational and Noetic coming behind.
     2. There is an obvious gender differences in learning styles. Male students prefer R-E-N and E-R-N Learning Styles, while female students prefer E-N-R and E-R-N Learning Styles, which means male students tend to use Rational and Empirical Learning Styles, while female students tend to use Empirical and Noetic Learning Styles .
     3. There is a difference in Learning Styles among students in different majors.
     4. Students’Learning Styles are significantly correlated with their mathematic academic achievements. Students with R-N-E or R-E-N Learning Styles have the best mathematic academic achievements. That is to say, those with Rational Learning Styles have the best mathematic academic achievements.
     5. Student attribute the difference in their achievement to different causes. A majority of students attribute their achievements to external causes, while a minority of students– to internal causes.
     6. Proper teaching strategies can be applied to improve students’mathematic academic achievements.
     Based on the above conclusions, suggestions are given to mathematic teachers of secondary vocational school at the end of the thesis:
     1. Teachers should help students identify their Learning Styles.
     2. Teachers should help students analyze the causes of difference of their mathematic academic achievement.
     3. Teachers should respect students’various Learning Styles and reform their teaching strategies so that they can teach students in accordance with their aptitudes.
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