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In the recent history of Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are two
     independently developing veins which on the surface would seem unrelated. One
     is medical scholars?emphasis on "philosophy of science," and the other is the
     promulgation of "Chinese Medical Psychology."Whilst the medical conununity is
     still enthusiastic about phi Iosophy of science, research on Chinese Medical
     Psychology has waned.
     This dissertation brings these two separate veins together to form a new academic
     channel. It seeks to explicate TOM in terms of modern philosophy of science,
     highlighting its salient features as a body/mind diagnostic and treatment system,
     entitling it Chinese Body-Mind Medicine.
     The methodology of this dissertation has transcended the boundaries of the "Old
     Trilogy" (Systems Theory, Cybernetics, Information Theory) and the "New Trilogy"
     (Dissipativity structure Theory, Catastrophe Theory, Synergetics). Its has
     blended Joseph Needham's Organic Philosophy with the Depth Psychology of Carl
     Jung. In fact, the theoretical underpinning of both Necdham and Jung is heavily
     influenced by Chinese science (especially the "I Ching" and Taoism).
     The present dissertation delineates the historical development of Chinese
     Body-Mind Medicine into three phases. The first phase is its origin, and is
     represented by the "Nei Ching" the second phase is its renaissance, and is
     encapsulated by Neo-Confucianism; the third or modern phase is represented by
     the Chinese Medical Psychology propounded by Wengfeng Zhu et al as well as
     Tiaoyuan Kuang's "Diagnosis and Treatment According to Constitution."There
     isanabundanceofevidence, bothancientandmodern, depictingthesimilarities
     between Chinese and Western body-Mind medicine.
     The conclusion of this research is as follows. From the vantage point of modern
     philosophy of science, TOM measures up and in fact surpasses the standards of
     today's body-Mind medicine. Why then is TOM stunted in the status of a
     "proto-science? unable to win international recognition as a legitimate
     science? The answer is that "science" is not a static, eternal truth, but rather
     a power system subject to social, economic and political influences. From a
     strictly theoretical point of view, Chinese Body-Mind Medicine is a paragon of
     world body-Mind medicine: however, "Power analysis" indicates that the
     establishment of TCM's scientific status will hinge on the continuous
     flourishing of China, and whether or not the Chinese Government is prepared to
     view TCM as a national treasure worthy of development.
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    (14) pp.ⅹⅹⅹⅱ-ⅹⅹⅹⅲ, Joseph Needham 1983, SCC Vol.5, Part 5
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    (43) Rupert Sheldrake 1981, New Science of Life, Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher
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