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This thesis has explained the development or Ci; Have discussed the inbeing characteristics of Ci which toned by the relationship between Ci literature and Yan-Yue musical system emphatically; Took " Huan-Xi-Sha" , " He-Xin-Lang " as examples, divided the concrete literature characteristic of them into research, combined the concrete opuses of Ci in the Tang and Song Dynasty, sought the unique styles of Ci-Diao , summarized the writing experience. Reveal the significance of Ci-Diao for theorising the inbeing characteristics and writing method of Ci literature.
    Research angle and method of this thesis are comparatively creationary. With the relationship between Ci and music as longitude, and the research of unique Ci-Diao as latitude, With the open field of vision and careful scientific analysis, this thesis draw some innovation of conclusions which is differ from the opinion of the elderly scholar, such as the spirit of the string and wind music which influenced the development of musical literature, the properties of the modes of ancient Chinese music and the function in the opuses of Ci, the concrete cooperation rules of tones of words and melodies, the explanation to the rhyme change of Xiao—Ling and the inflexion of Man-Ci, the conclusion of the characteristic of unique Ci-Diao, and the realization of writing method.
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