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Objective: To study the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medical syndrome after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) down regulation and the relationship between Traditional Chinese Medical syndrome and endometrial receptivity.
     Methods: In clinical study, 200 infertile patients undergoing IVF-ET were studied using epidemiologic method and cluster analysis, and the method of syndrome differentiation by effects of drug was also employed to determine the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medical syndrome after IVF-ET down regulation. In experimental study, the mice model of GnRH-a down regulation and GnRH-a assisted controlled ovarian hyperstimulation were adopted, compared with the normal group and the TCM group. Vaginal smear, the index of uterine and ovary were observed; the endometrial and ovarian morphology were investigated by light microscope; the concentration of cAMP and cGMP were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and the expression of HOXA10 in the endometrium was detected by in situ hybridization method.
     Results: According to the cluster analysis, the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medical Syndrome of IVF-ET down regulation were identified as deficiency of kidney which were mainly yin deficiency of kidney combined with the symptom of yang deficiency of kidney. And symptoms of Shenxu had been significantly improved by taking Erzhi Tiangui Granules. In experimental study, the characteristics were also proved. And Erzhi Tiangui Granules can improve the endometrial receptivity by enhancing the blood perfusion in the endometrium, ameliorating morphological index in mice endometrial tissue and increasing the concentration of cAMP and expression of HOXA10.
     Conclusion: The characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medical syndrome of IVF-ET down regulation are identified as deficiency of kidney which are mainly yin deficiency of kidney, and the endometrial receptivity can be improved by tonifying kidney, which indicated the relationship between the deficiency of kidney and the endometrial receptivity.
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