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The research of authentication for multi-domains especially the multi-type domains is very popular nowadays. With much secure influence placed on the authentication for authorized users of active networks who have more access capability than the ones of traditional networks, the authentication of multi-type domains is of great significance.
     As an important part of Active Network’s Security, this paper makes a systematical research on the requirement of authentication of multi-type domains in active networks. A simulation system under windows is proposed in this paper after sufficiently exploring the active network’s security architecture and implement method. And then we also analyze the realization, cryptosystem and the PKI system of both certificate-based and id-based authentications, and then presenting an authentication model that can accomplish authentication between them. Furthermore, we establish the simulation system of the model and make some analysis and tests on its security and stability.
     The main contents and contributions of this dissertation are as follows:
     1.Carefully analyze the ANTS system with a relatively deep acknowledgment of active network’s architecture and realization. According to the programmability of active network, a simulation system is implemented to accomplish its basic functions under windows.
     2.Apply the certificate-based and id-based authentications to the active network’s simulation system, thus establishing an experimental platform of authentication in active networks. What is more, this paper first introduces the id-based authentication to the active network and enriches the research of active network’s authentication.
     3.Propose a method called“function redundancy”that can implement mutual authentication between certificate-based and id-based authentications by issuing cross certificates on the layer of trusted authorities to build their relationships of trust. And then an authentication model for multi-type domains in active networks is accomplished which proved to be secure and stable. It provides a fundament for the further studies of mutual authentication of multi-domains in active networks.
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