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     从健康猪的20份新鲜粪便中分离到一定范围的乳酸菌共37株。应用常规形态学、生化鉴定(自动细菌检测仪)和分子鉴定方法进行鉴定。结果表明:分离到的37株乳酸菌包括3株嗜酸乳杆菌(L. acidophilus),5株罗伊氏乳杆菌(L reuteri)、5株动物乳杆菌(L. animalis)、4株鼠李糖乳杆菌(L. rhamnosus)、3株肠膜样明串珠菌(L. mesenteroides)、3株格氏乳球菌(L. garvieae)、3株乳酸乳球菌乳酸亚种(L. subsp. lactis)、2株嗜热链球菌(S. thermophilus)、5株屎肠球菌(E. faeciμm)和4株粪肠球菌(E. faecalis)。这一结果为新型猪用复合微生态制剂的研制与开发提供了基础条件。
Probiotics praeparatum has become the ideal alternatives for antibiotic and been widely applied, with the series advantages of non-toxic, no tolerance, no residual, obvious effect, low cost, and which can offer a effective supplement of beneficial microorganism in digestive tract. Recent researches showed that the key for the efficacy and safety of highly active fungus-preparationis was the selection of producing strain; In addition, the study of multi-strains mixture also appears very important. Based on the previous research, study on the isolation and identification of probiotics from pig manure, the acid and bile tolerance experiment and in vitro inhibition for pathogenic escherichia coli, the influence of various complex-probiotic-preparation on the performance, antioxidant capacity, intestinal flora and immune function, and the fermentation technology of complex-probiotic-preparation, has practical significance for the industrialization of products, the development to high efficiency and non-pablic hazard bio-feed additives, and the green revolution of animal products. The contents of each experiment are as follows:
     Experiment1Isolation and identification of pig origin lactobacillus
     37strains lactobacillus were isolated from20portion fresh stool by healthy swine. Conventional morphology, biochemical identification and molecular identification were applied to characterize. Results:37strains separated lactobacillus contained3strains Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus),5strains Lactobacillus reuteri(L. reuteri),5strains Lactobacillus animalis (L. animalis),4strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus (L. rhamnosus),3strains Lactobacillus mesenteroides (L. mesenteroides),3strains Lactobacillus garvieae (L. garvieae),3strains Lactobacillus subsp. lactis (L. subsp. lactis),2strains Streptococcus thermophilus (S. thermophilus),5strains Enterococcus faeciμm (E. faeciμm) and4strains Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis), which provided a basic condition for the research and development of the combined microecology praeparatum on swine.
     Experiment2Study on the acid and bile tolerance experiment for pig origin lactobacillus and the effect of in vitro inhibition for pathogenic escherichia coli
     12strains lactobacillus separated from healthy piglet intestine were applied for the acid and bile tolerance experiment, and4available bacterium strains were screened to culture together with K88alone and in combination; bacterial liquid, fermentation filtrate and thallus from culture4strains lactobacillus together with K88alone and mixed were applied for the K88inhibition test by the method of Oxford Cup; culture filtrate were applied for the K88inhibition test by the treatment of lactate dehydrogenase and alkali. Results:all the4strains lactobacillus owned the antibacterial ability but still had a difference between them; the antibacterial ability decreased significantly when treated by lactate dehydrogenase and alkali, which indicated that lactobacillus owned the antibacterial ability through provided organic acids especially lactic acid. The antibacterial ability for4strains lactobacillus would be enhanced when mixed culture rather than solitary culture.
     Experiment3Effects of probiotics on growth performance and anti-oxidation of weaned piglets
     This trial was conducted to study the effect of probiotics on the intestinal flora and immunity of weaned piglets.60Durocx(LandracexLargewhite) weaned piglets (28d) were randomly divided into5groups with3replications per treatment and4weaned piglets per replication, normal control group(A group) which fed with a basal diet, probiotics group(B group) which fed with a basal diet added probiotic products from a company, and complex-probiotic groups(C, D, E groups) which fed with a basal diet added3different self-made complex-probiotic-preparation. Results indicated that group C, D, E could significantly improve the performance of piglets and the average daily gain (ADG) and feed to gain ratio (F/G) of weaned piglets.ADG in group C appeared18.03%(P<0.05) higher and F/G appeared8.86%(P<0.01) lower when compared with control group. ADG in group D appeared16.52%(P<0.05) higher and F/G appeared8.12%(P<0.05)lower when compared with control group. ADG in group E appeared15.34%(P<0.05) higher and F/G appeared7.75%(P<0.05) lower when compared with control group. Supplement of probiotic in group C, D, E could also significantly increase the activity of SOD in serum and GSH-PX in blood, and r significantly reduce the MDA content in serum, which indicated that probiotic had positive effects on the anti-oxidation of weaned piglets, among which group C and D had better effect.
     Experiment4Effects of probiotics on intestinal flora and immunity of weaned piglets
     This trial was conducted to study the effect of probiotics on the intestinal flora and immunity of weaned piglets.60Durocx(LandracexLargewhite) weaned piglets (28d) were randomly divided into5groups with3replications per treatment and4weaned piglets per replication, normal control group(A group) which fed with a basal diet, probiotics group(B group) which fed with a basal diet added probiotic products from a company, and complex-probiotic groups(C, D, E groups) which fed with a basal diet added3different self-made complex-probiotic-preparation. Results indicated that the content of escherichia coli from the stools of each experimental group reduced when added probiotics, as well as the content of lactobacillus increased, which showed a strong inhibition to enteric pathogenic bacteria; probiotic added in group C and group D would promote ConA to non-specific stimulate the transformation of T-cells in peripheral blood as the aspect of immunity improved, and the transformation levels of T-cells in group C and group D respectively increased20.4%and17.53%(p<0.05). Probiotic preparation in group C, D, E could also effectively improve the levels of IL-2and TNF-α cytokine in piglets serum.
     Experiment5Study on fermentation condition optimization of complex-probiotic-preparation
     The research was to evaluate the symbiotic relationship among the4strains of probiotics by determining viable count of experiments, which the4strains were solitary and mixed cultivation. The growth state of complex-probiotics in mediums of YEPD, MRS, Wort and Soybean and Flour Power were compared and mediums were picked out for the industrialized production of complex-probiotic-preparation; the proportion of soybean and flour power in mediums was optimized and the optimal match of them was determined in this research; in addition, technology conditions of the industrial production of complex-probiotics-preparation were also optimized by single-factor and orthogonal design experiment and determined the optimal technology conditions. Results indicated that the4strains of probiotics could live together and complex-probiotics could grow in soybean and flour power medium more suitable than in others; the proportion of soybean and flour power in mediums was2%:8%and the optimal technology condition was determined:fermentation time32h, inoculation amount5%, temperature34℃, constant pH6.0and dissolved oxygen (DO)40%. Under these optimum conditions, all the viable bacteria count of4strains could reach108CFU/mL.
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