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A range photoelectronic tracking measurement system is the use of opticalimaging techniques tracking measurement space flight target, in order to get highprecision measurement data of the target, and provide important basis for testevaluation and fault analysis of weapons and spaceflight. In recent years, the needsof new test mission and range construction development put forward higherrequirements for range photoelectric tracking measurement system to continuouslyand stably track target. However, large numbers of field test results show that thecurrent target tracking technology of electro-optical tracking measurement systemexists defects that it relied too much on the weather conditions, especially theinclusion of many clouds in the clear sky. On the one hand, it is easy to misidentifyclouds into the target which will leads to tracking interruption; on the other hand, itlacks the ability of effective searching and tracking again when the target getcovered, most of the time it takes a long time and rely on external guide data andpersonal judgment operation to search and track target again. The clear sky withclouds is a common meteorological condition in shooting range test task. To avoidmissing out on the follow-up measurement data and even the key period of valuabledata for the influence of partial clouds, it is necessary to study and solve the problemof the easily interruption with tracking under the background of clouds.
     The paper is based on the range photoelectric tracking measurement system asthe research platform, on the purpose of improving the target tracking accuracy andstability as well as around the deficiency of current target tracking method under thebackground of the cloud, to carry out the relevant key technologies research of targetidentification, target tracking and target search. With the ideology of practicality, thestable tracking scheme is proposed under the background of clouds.
     The main works accomplished in the paper summarized as follows:
     The suspected target region segmentation technology is researched under thebackground of the clouds. Image segmentation can effectively reduce the operationcosts of subsequent target identification. In view of the existing single imagesegmentation technique is difficult to realize effective segmentation suspected targetarea under the background of clouds, an idea is established that image segmentationtechnology is adopted flexibly according to the characteristics of the tracking mode.The target tracking of range photoelectric tracking measurement system is composedwith stable tracking mode and active searching mode. In stable tracking mode,beacause the rough target location is known, the improved maxinum between-clustervariance threshold segmentation is adopted for fast image segmentation. In activesearching mode, due to the requirements of the full view-field segmentation, theimage segmentation method based on visual attention mechanism is proposed torealize precise suspected target area segmentation. The experimental results showthat the method is feasible.
     The target multi-feature information fusion recognition technology is researched.If the target is surrounded or covered by clouds, the cloud is easily identified intotarget through the single gray characteristics. Thus, the multi-feature informationfusion recognition method is proposed basing on two-level jointing neutral networksand evidence theory. Various feature information of the segmented suspecting targetarea is extracted firstly, and then the corresponding neutral network is used to featurerecognize. Afterwards, evidence theory is utilized to incorporate multiple neuralnetwork outputs and make the synthetical decisions. On the one hand, the target multi-feature information is used to improve recognition accuracy. On the other hand,the two-level joint information fusion model shows well extensible. It has stronglypractical value that it can easily increase or decrease feature fusion informationsource according to different situations or different object. The experimental resultsshow the clouds and the target can be accurately identified through the method.
     The target motion state estimation feedback tracking technology is researched.Because the traditional way of direct feedback tracking target is difficult to meet therequirement of target tracking under clouds background, the target motion stateestimation feedback tracking technology is studyed deeply in the range photoelectrictracking measurement system. The observability problem is analyzed in differentapplication situations. Kalman filter, unscented kalman filter and interactive multiplemodel filter are discussed and improved for the application. The target motion model,data space and time alignment, data association and state estimation are achieved.The experimental results show that this method makes up for defects that the targettracking performance of direct feedback seriously dependent on the measuring dataquality, and improves the stability of target tracking in the cloud backgrounds.
     The active searching strategy of moving target is studied. It puts forward the targetactive searching method based on the maximum probability areas in the situation ofcloud-covering and temporary loss of target. In order to speed up the searchingresults for long losting goals and lack of external guide data, it puts forward thewarning line target searching method at the intercepting point. Because the imagemotion blur appears in the warning line target searching method, the blur motionrecovery method is also proposed. The experimental results show that the activesearching increases target searching range, and effectively improve the probability oftarget successful acquisition.
     To sum up, the innovations of the paper lie in: through the researching andimproving of existing techniques in the range of photoelectric tracking measurementsystem, the related key technologies of multi-feature information fusion and stabletracking is put forward when working at the background of clouds. The significance of the technology is to solve the problems of easily tracking interruption under thebackground of the clouds, to make up for the defect of current range target trackingtechnology which relyes too much on the weather. The method has certain practicalvalue in the field of target tracking measurement.
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