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The competitive ability of enterprises in Heilongjiang is far behind the coastal developed areas, industrial decline has become a fact. The reason of the decline, in the final analysis lies in the lack of innovation. Study the causes of deficiency of Heilongjiang province enterprise technology innovation ability, discusses promote Heilongjiang province enterprise technology innovation ability ascension path has important theoretical and realistic significance.
     According to the research results of26large manufacturing enterprises in Heilongjiang province, the paper analyzes the object of study of general situation, industry structure, to the enterprise human resources situation and research institutes have a preliminary understanding. Although the business operators have recognized the importance of innovation, innovation spirit has become an important part of the “entrepreneurial spirit”, and at the same time, technical innovation has become an important part of enterprises’ core competitiveness. However the extent of the enterprise emphasizes on the innovation needs to be improved, the technical innovation still exist some deficiencies, mainly considering that the enterprise approach to innovation and innovation idea are not high, the technical innovation invests insufficiently, the brain drain is serious, and the ability of technical innovation is low.
     Based on survey data, the paper DEA-Tobit two-step further under the framework of enterprise technology innovation ability of Heilongjiang province was evaluated, and its influence factors were analyzed. According to the evaluation of the results obtained most of the enterprise technology innovation efficiency of convergence, but there are two levels of differentiation; Enterprise's technology innovation efficiency reflects the strong features of increasing return to scale; Enterprise technology innovation efficiency and the profitability reflects the strong positive correlation; Industry is a significant difference between the efficiency of technology innovation; The type of property right has significant influence on technology innovation ability, etc. And influence factors analysis of the results shows: enterprise size and efficiency of technological innovation, there is no direct link; Human resources improvement have significant positive influence on the efficiency of the technology innovation; Collaborative innovation's influence on the technological innovation efficiency has a significant role in promoting; Appeared with the trend of diminishing marginal returns of scientific research resources, etc.
     And handling of large companies to adopt large-scale survey in a different way, in this paper, the capability of technological innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises took the delicate way of case analysis. Through the analysis of the sen eagle group found that the learning process of self-perfection and breeding process of competitive advantage is not a linear process of knowledge accumulation. From a strategic level, entrepreneur spirit is the soul of a organizational culture, organizational culture is the enterprise strategic decision factor; Look from the organizational level, refining the recessive knowledge and organizational practices, building dynamic ability of organization, the dynamic ability of organization is a unique enterprise core competitiveness; Look from the operating level, through condensation complementary assets, building industry, strategic alliance, and integration of the supply chain.
     According to the results of econometric and case analysis, this paper think that in order to achieve the purpose of the promotion enterprise technology innovation capability in Heilongjiang province, the future of the government policy to encourage enterprise independent innovation activities should not be on the basis of enterprise scale, but in order to improve the quality of human resources as the core goal, to improve the "government-corporate-university" innovation network as the core, through collaborative innovation. From this perspective, the paper put forward from the perspective of knowledge sharing, collaborative innovation ability of the enterprise technology innovation strategy in Heilongjiang province.
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