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Shao Jun has been a renowned Chinese cyber writer in recent years. He has the legendary life experience and the greatly strengthened literature makings which gain him the reputation of‘first person of North America Chinese network literature’,‘Chinese cyber literature founder’, and‘the most influential immigrated writer’. His masterpiece‘Life Confesses’, the series novel has collected 100 works during he lived abroad from 1988 to 1999 which has been clicked more than 10,000,000 times. The literature critics once evaluated him on the base of artistic features of novels and the mission of new immigrated literature, but they neglected the influence of net upon his works. This article mainly analyzes his composing features from the works Life Confession in the following three aspects.
     First, the specially featured type of literature
     The author profoundly studies the features of Life Confession as a cyber literature and the difference from traditional ones.
     Because the readers are mainly overseas Chinese who live in a busy and competitive life style and hope to acknowledge the general world through mini cyber space, thus hey want to taste the life through simple stories, Shao Jun employs his special artistic viewpoint together with traditional style of literature to face the readers’expectation. Each story in Life Confession consists of two clear parts, the preface and the main body. It’s very convenient and easy for the readers to perceive the inner feeling of the works even merged into the plots sometimes. The net, interacted with the works, simultaneously enriches the life the cyber literature.
     The improvised, often spontaneous characteristics of cyber literature express the author’s affection, taste and attitudes by cyber media. Composition is no longer a need for survival, so the evil flattering and overdoing aspects are cast aside. As we can read from his works, the description is very smooth just according his own affection instead of traditional durance. This style deeply provokes the interests of the cyber readers and appreciates the charming idea, quick wit and language from his works.
     Secondly, the catharsis in literary plight
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