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AM真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi)是广泛分布的一类土壤微生物,世界上大约90%以上的高等植物可与AM真菌形成丛枝菌根。AM真菌与植物共生后,能够促进植物对矿质营养和水分的吸收和利用、改善植物营养状况、增强植物抗逆性、促进植物生长、加快移栽苗成活速度、提高植物经济产量和效益。
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are the kind of microbe, which distributes in soil widely. There are about over 90% higher plants can form arbuscular mycorrhiza with AM fungi. When the symbiotic bodies are shaped, the absorption and utilization of mineral elements of the plants are accelerated, the nutritional conditions are improved, the resistances to stress are enhanced, the growth of plants are boosted, survival rate of transplanted seeding are quickened and the output and benefit of vegetables are increased.
     In this paper, the resources and ecological characteristic of AM fungi in plantation of strawberry are investigated and the effect of AM fungi on strawberry growth and quality of fruit in the pot culture are made. Main research results are as follows:
     1 The resource of AM fungi is abundant in the strawberry plantations of ManCheng region, Hebei province. Of 11 species separated,7 belong to Glomus,3 belong to Acaulosporaand 1 belong to Diversispnra. Different species distributed in different sites; G. mosseae and G. microcarpum distributed widely.
     2 The average spore density around the roots of strawberry is 363 per 100g soil, vesicular colonization is 29.76%, arbuscular colonization is 9.48%, hyphal colonization is 22.68%, and total colonization is 44.9%. In the natural environment, the symbiosis relationship between AM fungi and strawberry were formed.
     3 In the plantation, the resources of alkali solution N, available P and organic matter are abundant, pH value is 7.8~8.5. Spore density and total colonization are positive correlation with soil organic matter.
     4 The pot experiment showed that the colonization percent and the nutritive growth are improved obviously by artificial inoculating. In the condition of non-inoculated treatment, the roots length, shoots height and dry weight are improved 10-15%. In the condition of sterilized soil, the effects are more obviously.
     5 When the plants are inoculated artificially, the absorptions of alkali solution N and available P are enhanced, the plant growths are boosted.In the treatment of inoculating, the contents of total N, total P and soluble sugar are increased 20-45%.
     6 The florescence and the fruit period are shortened 2-4 days, the output and quality of fruits are enhanced observably, the fresh weight, the content of Vc are elevated 7-16%, the content of organic acid is descended 15%, when the plants are inoculated artificially. Especially in the sterilized soil, the effects are much more markedly.
     7 This experiment can provide foundation with the fully using of AM fungi to mycorrhized seeding and production.
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