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The new vocationalism, raised by British scholar in 1970s, was developed and perfected in the practice and quickly has influence on the USA in 1990s. It has become an important idea for reform movements in the fields of vocational education.
     New vocationalism indicates a different thought, not only the times and backgrounds different, but also the contents which are much richer, wider and deeper.
     Its new characteristics mainly represent new thoughts and changes in the view of vocation, talented people, curriculum and teaching and so on. Through the research into The School-to-Work Opportunities Act and Carl D·Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act, we can read some basic views for the new vocationalism. Meanwhile, our country is now exploring the vocational education reform, the job-oriented vocational education is also spreading out, which brings huge changes and breakthrough in the targets, contents, curriculum, method and environments etc. While congratulating achievements obtains, we should consider some deeper problems rationally. So, the research into the thought of America on its educational reform will surely give us some enlightenment to solve the problems in our country.
     The mainframe of this thesis is as follows:in the preface, briefly analyze the ideological origin and foundation of new vocationalism;for the first part, introduce the factors of the emergence of new vocationalism in America;for the second part, discuss the fundamental views of vocationalism in American vocational education reform, and analyze systematically from the internal and external aspects of educational target, curriculum, teaching and the relationship between school and enterprises; the third part give critical thinking to the theory and practice of new vocationalism, and summarize several points for the vocational education reform of our country; the final part is conclusion.
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