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In this dissertation, information technology and network environment are study background, eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises are research object, the collaborative operation and improvement mechanism of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises are entry point. The dissertation constructs the collaborative operating mechanism of the three dimensions with "internal enterprise"、"enterprise to enterprise”、"enterprise and the environment" , the three levels with "ecological friendly”、“collaborative operation”、"customer satisfaction", and the three grade with "external apparent factors"、"internal influncing factors"、"profound determing factors". The collaborative operating mechanism is helpful to improve the enterprises' eco-friendly operation , collaborative degrees ,customer satisfaction degrees in the rapidly changing market environment. Main contents are as follows:
     Part one: Literature Review and Analysis. The eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises' evolution and the new challenges in the network environment are the entry points of the dissertation. On the basis of the literature review and analysis of the collaborative operation of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises,the concepts of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises, cooperative operation are defined. The dissertation discusses the theoretical basis of the collaborative operation in eco-friendly manufacturing enterprise.
     Part two: The collaborative operational analyses of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprise based on multi-agent.On the basis of "centralized control" to "collaborative interaction" analysis, the dissertation builds the collaborative operational model of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprise with multi-agent systems. The dissertation gives the collaborative process analysis of eco-friendly manufacturing based on genetic algorithms.
     Part three: The collaborative operation and improvement mechanism of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises. The dissertation constructed the collaborative operating mechanism of the three dimensions with the "internal enterprise", "enterprise to enterprise", "enterprise and the environment" and the three levels with the "ecological friendly", "collaborative operation", "customer satisfaction". The collaborative operating mechanism is helpful to improve the enterprises' eco-friendly operation , collaborative degrees ,customer satisfaction degrees.And it is useful to enhance the enterprises' market competitiveness and sustainable development in the rapidly changing market environment.
     Part four: The empirical analysis of the collaborative operation of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises based on self-organizing feature map neural network. The dissertation applies the SOM neural network to the study of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises. On the basis of cluster analysis to the enterprises' operational data, the dissertation gives four types of collaborative enterprises. The corresponding recommendations are given to every type of enterprises.
     Part five:The dissertation gives the software evaluation system of the collaborative operation of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises. Improving projects are conducted for the collaborative operation of each type of eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises.The software evaluation system is helpful for the eco-friendly manufacturing enterprises' coordinated development to achieve economic efficiency, environmental benefits and social benefits.
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