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In recent years, the small and medium-size science-technology enterprises have developed rapidly and become one of the main most brisk bodies in the market economy. How to carry on the credit ratings of them scientific, objectively and justly, is one of the problems in the social credit system construction. It concerns the sustainable development of small and medium-size sci-tech enterprises in our country. The present credit ratings systems for enterprises fail to concern their characteristics of rapid growth and high risk fully. A model of credit ratings for small and medium-size sci-tech enterprises was set up to consider the influence of the technology innovation and the sci-tech risk to the enterprises. It lays stress on analyzing the abilities of innovation and development and the sci-tech risk.
    Firstly, the development status of credit ratings in domestic and overseas and is reviewed in this paper, as well as the economic elements of credit ratings. The growing rules and characteristic of risk of small and medium-size sci-tech enterprises, and the significance of credit ratings are briefly analyzed. Secondly, the credit index system for rating the small and medium-size sci-tech enterprise is educed on the basis of analyzing and comparing the present systems, concerning the enterprises' characteristic and investigation. The related standard and grades of credit ratings are also educed. Thirdly, the AHP and Delphi methods are chosen to define the index weights. As the fuzzy mathematics applied in the ratings, the model using the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to assess the small and medium-size sci-tech enterprises is set up. Finally, the evaluation system of credit ratings designed in this paper is testified by the real data and openly information of four enterprises. The result shows that the model could be better used for credit ratings of small and medium-size sci-tech enterprises.
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