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It has been nearly ten years since the on-line news communication came to China. After reviewing and teasing the development process of on-line news communication in China, looking back and pondering the current situation of on-line news communication, this thesis focuses on the situation of on-line news communication content and mode, communication method, the relationship between communicator and audience, and the superiority in communication compared to traditional media. Moreover, the thesis points out the disadvantage of on-line news communication in content and mode, the puzzle in ethic and morality. On the base of analysis, the thesis put forward the relevant development strategy of Chinese on-line news communication.
    In the light of the shortcoming and the developing puzzle of on line news communication in China, the thesis considers that it should improve the satisfaction of audience to on-line news with communication content and communication mode, show and display the public-opinion directing function through standing out the status of the on-line opinion on public affairs, intensify and reinforce the professional qualities of the journalists and the editors ,regulate and strengthen the management of on-line news communication, safeguard the communication order.
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