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Diabetic nephropathy is a common microvascular complication of diabetes, meanwhile, it is the leading cause of death of diabetic patients. In recent years, with the incidence of diabetes increased year by year, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy is also on the rise, therefore, the protection of diabetic kidney function, effectively delaying the progression of diabetic nephropathy and improving the quality of life of patients with diabetic nephropathy has become the focus of medical profession attention at home and abroad.This thesis comprehensively overview the understanding of diabetic nephropathy on western medicine and taditional chinese mediciine, and disguss protective effect machnism of rats in diabetic nephropathy from Tang Shen Qing (a priscreption on herbal medicine) according to the animals basic resrech.
     1:Literature Review
     Access to ancient and modern Chinese literature related to diabetic nephropathy, Study its Chinese name of disease, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation and related clinical and experimental research, meanwhile, summerize progress of the Western medicine treatment on diabetic nephropathy, in view of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy playing an important role,so the modern research improvements on pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy from angiotensin converting enzyme have been comprehensively summerised and analysed.
     2:Experimental study
     Objective:To study the protective effects of Tang Shen Qing on Diabetic nephropathy
     Methods:By streptozotocin and alloxan on the establishment of SD rats and wistar rat model of diabetic nephropathy, Rats in meeting the requirements by random blood glucose levels were randomly divided into five groups, namely the model group, Tang Shen Qing lofty dose group, Tangshen Qing middle dose group, Tang Shen Qing low dose group, captopril group. At the same time,It had been set up normal control group,10 rats in each group were randomly selected on the third week,24h urine were collected with metabolic cages,and yet,24h urinary protein were tested. The increasing of the urinary protein excretion suggested the diabetic nephropathy performance of the rats in diabetes.the rats continuously administered orally, rats in streptozotocin diabetic nephropathy model has been had a dynamic of the changes of 24h urine volume, urine protein, kidney function, cholesterol and body weight, and another observation of kidney tissue with light and electron microscopy. After 6 weeks,24h rat urine of alloxan diabetic nephropathy rat model volume urine ware collected,and yet,24h urinary total protein, p2-microglobulin, and plasma angiotensin II levels and plasma non-enzymatic glycation end products were messured.
     Results:Tang Shen Qing can significantly reduce modle rats both 24h urine volume and urinary protein excretion volume, improve renal high filtration state, lower serum total cholesterol.,the diffrences has statistical meaning (P<0.05 or P< 0.01); Tang Shen Qing can clear renal glomerular and tubulointerstit-ial lesions of model rats significantly compared with model group, it has statistical significance (P<0.05 or P<0.01); Tang Shen Qing makes (32-microglobulin in urine, serum, nonenzymatic glycation end prod-ucts and angiotensinⅡof the model rats significantly reduced. Compared with the model group it is
     statistical significant (P<0.05 or P<0.01).
     Conclusion:Tang Shen Qing have the functions of enhancing the kidney yin, strenthing the kidney
     essence, and getting rid of the blood stasis and detoxification from inner body. With observation of the
     effect of Tang Shen QIing interference on Diabetic Nephropathy of rats, it proves that the combination of
     various drugs can lower angiotensin II, correct metabolic abnormalities and reduct of AGEs,so as to
     improve renal blood flow mechanics, inhibit the cytokine production, Inhibit the increase in extracellular
     matrix and so on, all in all,it achieves the effects of the protection of renal function of rats with diabetic
     Key words:diabetic nephropathy;Tang Shen Qing;renal function;mechanism research
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