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     超声检查因其直观、无创、可重复等特点,受到妇产科临床工作者的关注。最早多应用于观察多囊性卵巢综合征患者的卵巢情况。1970年开始使用超声指标描述多囊卵巢,1981年Swanson等人首先应用高分辨率实时经腹超声测量多囊卵巢的卵巢体积(Ovarian Volume,OV)(?)口窦状卵泡数(Antral Follicle Counts, AFC),研究多囊卵巢OV和AFC的直径。1992年Takahashi等人采用经阴超声测量多囊卵巢的卵巢面积(Ovary Area,OA),研究发现多囊卵巢与正常卵巢相比OA增大。Sample等人1977年最早超声(经腹)下使用椭圆体积公式来分析45名1-20岁正常女性的OV,研究女性发育过程的OV。Andolf等人1987年超声下研究377名40-70岁女性OV与年龄间的关系,研究结果发现OV随年龄增长而缩小。随着研究的不断深入,辅助生殖技术研究中利用OV和AFC来反映卵巢储备能力,研究结果表明随OV的缩小和AFC的减少,卵巢储备能力降低。2000-2004年5篇文献研究发现OV的改变是反映生殖衰老或绝经状态敏感且特异性的指标,Giacobbe等人2004年超声下研究192名40-55岁妇女反映绝经状态OV的特异度和敏感度,采用工作特征曲线分析结果发现OV≤4cm3时敏感度和特异度最高。国内学者1993年超声下观察359名13-71岁正常女性一生各期:青春期、生育期不同月经周期和绝经期的OV,研究结果发现生育期的排卵期OV最大,绝经期OV最小,OV随月经周期而改变。1997年协和妇科内分泌学者研究卵巢功能衰退过程中子宫面积、OA以及血E2水平的改变,结果发现MT早期与生育期妇女卵泡期相比,子宫面积增大38%,OA缩小30%,E2水平无明显下降。2008年妇科内分泌学者继续前面的研究,采用STRAW分期,前瞻性(1年)研究卵巢功能衰退过程中OA的变化,研究发现OA随卵巢功能衰退而缩小。研究认为AFC (2-10mm),与卵巢大小不同,不随月经周期的时相而变化,与年龄相关性好,研究者认为将来可能用于生殖分期的修正。2001年Flaws等人研究年龄40-54岁妇女的AFC,共59例,绝经前34例,绝经后25例,研究发现绝经前AFC(2.5±1.7)明显多于绝经后(1.1±1.3)。国内生殖衰老过程中该指标研究较少。关于超声下卵巢形态的变化多用OV,而临床目前观察卵巢大小多用两条径线,从中可以计算OA,实际应用以卵巢径线为主,检测较方便,省时。现未有在同一群病例中对OA和OV的比较,来说明OV反应卵巢大小较OA的敏感性和特异性好。AFC的临床应用也较为广泛和方便。研究表明年龄和FSH水平、月经周期的改变与生殖衰老密切相关,尤其后二者已用于生殖衰老分期。本论文基于生殖衰老的STRAW分期,较全面、系统地观察社区女性卵巢大小与AFC在生殖衰老过程中的改变,探讨其临床应用价值。
     信息收集:一般人口学资料、月经史和疾病史、个人史、家族史;月经周期第3-7天的血清FSH和E2水平;月经周期第3至7天行盆腔超声检查,显示最大切面,测其纵径和前后径,探头在原位旋转90度,显示横径并测量。计算OA和OV,并动态观察双侧卵巢内AFC。 LMC≥60天者,在任意天进行检查。
     4.研究对象各种卵巢大小和窦状卵泡数在不同年龄之间的变化情况采用Kruskal Wallis Test分析。
     平均卵巢纵径、横径和前后径分别为2.59±0.55cm、1.91±0.42cm和1.64±0.36cm;MOA为3.49±1.40cm2; MOV为4.86±2.79cm3; MAFC为3.47±1.76个;FSH和E2水平分别为29.06±31.23IU/L和50.38±71.48pg/ml。
     (2) Pearson相关分析显示,平均卵巢纵径、横径、前后径、MOA、MOV和MAFC均与年龄呈显著负相关(r=-0.677;r=-0.676;r=-0.565;r=-0.618;r=-0.603;r=-0.628;P<0.01);平均卵巢纵径和横径与年龄关系最密切。
     平均卵巢前后径在生育早期组(1.87±0.22cm)与生育峰期组(1.92±0.21cm)、绝经早期组(1.20±0.23cm)、绝经晚期组(1.11±0.18cm)之间存在统计学差异(p<0.05);在生育峰期组、生育晚期组(1.75±0.23cm)、MT早期组(1.71±0.30cm)分别与MT晚期组(1.50±0.35cm)、绝经早期组、绝经晚期组之间存在统计学差异(p<0.05); MT晚期组与绝经早期组、绝经晚期组之间存在统计学差异(p<0.001)。
     MOA和MOV在生育早期组(MOA:4.60±0.99cm2;MOV:7.13±2.11cm3)与绝经早期组(MOA:1.81±0.75cm2;MOV:1.74±1.24cm3)、绝经晚期组(MOA:1.59±0.48cm2;MOV:1.36±0.66cm3)之间存在统计学差异(p<0.05);在生育峰期组(MOA:4.52±0.90cm2;MOV:6.66±1.79cm3)、生育晚期组(MOA:3.80±0.92cm2;MOV:5.31±2.16cm3)、MT早期组(MOA:3.66±1.19cm2; MOV:5.06±2.49cm3)分别与MT晚期组(MOA:2.81±1.17cm2;MOV:3.56±2.47cm3)、绝经早期组、绝经晚期组之间存在统计学差异(p<0.05);MT晚期组与绝经早期组、绝经晚期组之间存在统计学差异(p<0.001)。
     2.平均卵巢径线、MOA、MOV和MAFC在不同年龄存在差异。AFC在30岁后开始下降,37岁开始明显减少。卵巢大小和窦状卵泡数与年龄相关性分析中,卵巢纵径和横径与年龄相关性最高,其次为AFC; OA与OV相比,OA与年龄相关性更高。
     3.一年内研究对象卵巢大小和窦状卵泡数在不同年龄间变化情况采用Kruskal Wallis Test分析。
     基线平均MOA和MOV在生育期组(MOA:4.04±0.93cm2; MOV:5.80±2.02cm3)、MT早期组(MOA:3.58±0.92cm2; MOV:4.78±1.83cm3)、MT晚期组(MOA:3.40±1.50cm2;MOV:4.84±3.38cm3)分别与绝经早期组(MOA:2.00±0.74cm2; MOV:2.01±1.22cm3)、绝经晚期组(MOA:1.56±0.43cm2; MOV:1.35±0.62cm3)存在统计学差异(p<0.001)。基线MAFC在各组间不存在统计学差异(p->0.05)。
     The ovary aging is dynamic process. The main body changes during the process include:decrease of ovary size and amounts of follicular, decrease of the fertility, the change of sexual hormone, and the menstruation changes. The increasing FSH is one of the earliest sign of ovary aging, but it may lead the increase of medical cost. STRAW system considered the changes of menstrual cycle as one the important standard of different stages of ovary aging process. Ovarian area, ovarian volume and antral follicle counts are used to assess the results of pregnant in IVF-ET. Although is one the popular receipted aging system. It still had some conflict. Ultrasound is easily to obtain results which are the response of the ovary ageing.
     Section one:To analyze the changes of ovarian form during the process of ovary aging.
     Section two:To analyze the changes of ovarian form during the process of ovary aging follow1year.
     Section three:To analyze the changes of OA during the process of ovary aging follow4years.
     Section one:The changes of ovarian form during the process of ovary aging
     To analyze the changes of ovarian form during the process of ovary aging.
     1. To describe the changes of ovarian form and hormone level.
     2. To analyze the changes of ovarian form with age increasing.
     3. To analyze the changes of ovarian form according the STRAW staging system..
     4. To choose the cut-off of the changes of ovarian form that can describe ovary aging used in clinics.
     Materials and methods
     Cross section study design was used in the present study. The study belonged to Community Perimenopausal Women's Health Promotion Project.480women aged17-70years who lived Beijing community attended our survey by the purposive sample method. We conducted the survey by face-to-face interview with the questionnaire. The items of the questionnaire are detailed as follow:the basic conditions (such as age, career, education, income, etc), illness medical history, sex hormone treatment history, menstruation condition.
     Examination items included:
     1.Serum E2and FSH:Using the electrochemiluminescence (Elecsys2010automatic electrochemiluminescence instrument made of American Roche Company). The cv for E2and FSH are6%,1.4%of interest and6.4%,4.6%of intraset respectively as baseline, and43%,0.74%of interest and5.8%.3.6%of intraset respectively as the follow up.
     2. OA, OV and AFC:They were assessed by transvaginal ultrasound (LOGIQ5Expert, GE) to measure the two or three diameters of ovary and count the number on a number of levels in ovary dynamically.
     All data were entered into database Epidata3.02and were analyzed by SPSS15.0(Statistics Software Package for Social Science). Qualitative data were analyzed by frequency, proportion; quantitative data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. Kruskal Wallis Test was used to analyze the changes of ovarian form in different age groups. Pearson correlation was used to analyze the relationship between ovarian form and age. Convariance was used to analyze the changes of ovarian form among different stages according STRAW staging system. ROC was used to analyze the cut-off of ovarian form to predict the menopause status.
     1. The distribution of general information
     480women aged17-70years participated in the data collection. The average age is42.54±13.02years (range17.67-63.75). The average length, breadth and anteroposterior diameter of ovarian are2.59±0.55cm,1.91±0.42cm and1.64±0.36cm separately. The average area of ovarian is3.49±1.40cm2.The average volume of ovarian is4.86±2.79cm3. The average AFC of ovarian is3.47±1.76. The average FSH and E2level is29.06±31.23IU/L and50.38±71.48pg/ml separately.
     2. The changes of ovarian form
     (1) The ovarian diameter, OA,OV and AFC decrease by age (P<0.001). Ovarian diameter, OA and OV decrease sharply after50years. The ovarian form is smallest between55-years. The AFC decrease sharply after35years, the AFC is smallest between50-years.
     (2)There is statistically negative correlation between ovarian length, breadth, anteroposterior diameter、MOA、MOV、MAFC and age (r=-0.675; r=-0.674; r=-0.566; r=-0.617; r=-0.600; r=-0.627;P<0.01)
     3. Participants were divided in to different groups based on STRAW aging system.
     (1) Compare the serum FSH and E2level in each group adjusted age and BMI.
     Statistically difference was found in serum E2between early reproductive, peak reproductiveand and early MT, late MT (p<0.05); between late reproductive, early MT, late MT and early postmenopause(early post-), late postmenopause(late post-) group (p<0.05). Statistically difference was found in serum FSH between early reproductive,peak reproductive, late reproductive, early MT and late MT,(early post-), late post-group (p<0.05).
     (2) Compare the ovarian length, breadth, anteroposterior diameter、MOA、MOV and MAFC in each group convariance adjusted age and BML.
     Statistically difference was found in ovarian length diameter between early reproductive, peak reproductive, late reproductive, early MT and late MT, early post-, late post-group (p<0.05); between late MT and early post-, late post-group (p<0.05).
     Statistically difference was found in ovarian breadth diameter between early reproductive and early pos-, late post-group (p<0.05); between peak reproductive, late reproductive, early MT and late MT, early post-, late post-group (p<0.05); between late MT and early post-, late post-group (p<0.05).
     Statistically difference was found in ovarian anteroposterior diameter between early reproductive and peak reproductive, early post-, late post-group (p<0.05); between peak reproductive, late reproductive, early MT and late MT, early pos-late post-group (p<0.05); between late MT and early post-, late post-group (p<0.05).
     Statistically difference was found in MOA and MOV between early reproductive and early post-, late post-group (p<0.05); between peak reproductive, late reproductive, early MT and late MT, early post-, late post-group (p<0.05); between late MT and early post-, late post-group (p<0.05).
     Statistically difference was found in MAFC between early reproductive and peak reproductive(p=0.002); between late reproductive and late MT (p=0.015).
     4.The cut-off of ovarian form、age and FSH level to predict menopause status
     The best sensitivity and specificity of ovarian length, breadth and diameter anteroposterior is less than2.1cm,1.6cm andl.4cm; The best sensitivity and specificity of MOA, MOV and MAFC is less than2.3cm2,3.0cm3and2; The best sensitivity and specificity of age and FSH level is more than51years and40IU/L.
     1. The ovarian form changed obviously.
     2. The variability of Mean ovarian diameter、MOA、MOV and MAFC was decrease with the increase of age.The MAFC decrease sharply after30years. The correlation is highest between ovarian length、breadth diameter and age.
     3. The changes of Mean ovarian diameter、MOA、MOV and MAFC is obvious in different groups according the STRAW staging system.
     4. The ovarian form is similar with age and FSH level in predicting menopause.
     Section two:The changes of ovarian form during the process of ovary aging follow1year.
     To analyze the changes of ovarian form during the process of ovary aging follow1year..
     1. To describe the changes of ovarian form follow1year.
     2. To analyze the changes of ovarian form with age increasing.
     3. To analyze the changes of ovarian form according the STRAW staging system.
     4.To describe the relationship between menopausal time and OA、OV、FSH and E2
     Materials and methods
     Perspective longitudinal study design was used in the present study. The baseline information is the same with section one. We analysis data of the baseline investigation and12months±15days follow up.400women aged17-70years who lived Beijing community attended our survey by the purposive sample method.12months±15days later these women were investigated again for changes of the above situations and re-measured the indexes below.
     Examination items included:the same with the section one
     Qualitative data were analyzed by frequency, proportion; quantitative data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. Kruskal Wallis Test was used to analyze the changes of ovarian form in different age groups. Convariance was used to analyze the changes of ovarian form among different stages according STRAW staging system.
     1. The distribution of general information
     400women aged17-70years participated in the baseline data collection, among which349women finished the follow-up, with the follow-up rate at87.2%. The average age is47.77±8.16years (range19.42-62.58). The average length, breadth, anteroposterior diameter of ovarian are2.46±0.51cm,1.81±0.40cm,1.58±0.36cm on baseline and2.40±0.55cm,1.73±0.43cm,1.51±0.36cm on follow-up separately. The average OA,OV are3.20±1.32cm2,4.25±2.62cm3on baseline and3.00±1.34cm2,3.85±2.55cm3on follow-up separately. The average AFC are3.05±1.64and2.98±1.87on baseline and follow-up separately. The average FSH, E2level are30.12±31.60IU/L,54.8±80.5pg/ml on baseline and38.8±33.3IU/L,51.9±71.6pg/ml follow-up separately. There is statistically significance in mean ovarian diameter、MOA、MOV、MAFC、FSH and E2on baseline and follow-up (P<0.05)
     The percentage of ovarian area more than4.5cm2and less than2.0cm2at baseline is12.7%(44) and20.5%(71). At the12th month, the percentage of ovarian area more than4.5cm2and less than2.0cm2is12.1%(42) and28.0%(97). The percentage of ovarian volume more than8.0cm3and less than2.0cm3at baseline is7.8%(27) and21.1%(73). The percentage of ovarian volume more than8.0cm3and less than2.0cm3at follow-up is5.5%(19) and29.2%(101). The percentage of AFC less than1at baseline is8.7%(30). The percentage of AFC less than1at follow-up is10.7%(37).
     2. The changes of ovarian form
     The mean ovarian diameter,OA,OV and AFC decrease by age (P<0.05).Ovarian diameter, OA and OV decrease sharply after50years. The ovarian form is smallest between55-years The AFC decrease sharply after35years, the AFC is smallest between50-years.
     3. Participants were divided in to different groups based on STRAW aging system after1year follow-up.
     (1)Compare the serum FSH、E2、ovarian length, breadth, anteroposterior diameter、 MO A、MOV and MAFC in each group convariance adjusted age and BMI on baseline and follow up seperately.
     Statistically difference was not found in serum E2and FSH level between premenopause and early MT (P>0.05); between early post-and late post-group (P>0.05) on baseline and follow-up.
     Statistically difference was not found in ovarian length diameter between premenopause and early MT (p=0.286); between early MT and late MT (P=0132);between early post-and late post-group (p=0.088) on baseline. Statistically difference was not found in ovarian breadth diameter between premenopause and early MT, late MT(p=0.114,p=0.270); between early MT and late MT (P=0.825) on baseline. Statistically difference was not found in ovarian anteroposterior diameter between premenopause and early MT、late MT (p=0.430,p=0.180); between early MT and late MT (P=0.433);between early post-and late post-group(p=0.072)on baseline.Statistically difference was not found in ovarian length, breadth, anteroposterior diameter between premenopause and early MT (P>0.05); between early post-and late post-group (P>0.05) on follow-up.
     Statistically difference was found in MO A, MOV between premenopause、early MT、 late MT and early post-, late post-group (p<0.001) on baseline. Statistically difference was not found in MAFC among different groups (p>0.05) on baseline.
     Statistically difference was not found in MOA,MOV between premenopause and early MT (p=0.109;p=0.076); between early post-and late post-group (p=0.190;p=0.508) on follow-up. Statistically difference was not found in MAFC among different groups (p>0.05) on follow-up.
     (2) Compare the ovarian length diameter、ovarian breadth diameter、ovarian anteroposterior diameter、MOA、MOV and MAFC between baseline and follow-up in each group convariance adjusted age and BML.
     The follow-up level on FSH is higher than the baseline level in late MT (p<0.001) The follow-up level on E2is higher than the baseline level in premenopause and late post-(p<0.05). The follow-up level on E2is lower than the baseline level in late MT (p=0.033)
     Statistical differences of Baseline and Follow up ovarian length diameter、breadth diameter、anteroposterior diameter、MOA、MOV and MAFC were found in late MT and early post-group (p<0.05). No Statistical difference was found between Baseline and follow-up AFC in premenopause、early MT and late MT (p<0.05).
     4.The relationship between menopausal time and OA、OV、FSH and E2
     The OA decrease sharply on late MT(33.9%) and postmenopause(58.4%) comparing with the reproductive women. The OV decrease sharply on late MT(43.8%) and postmenopause(73.5%) comparing with the reproductive women. The OA and OV did not decrease after3-5years amenorrhea. The FSH level increase sharply on late MT(466%) and postmenopause(662%) comparing with the reproductive women. The FSH level fluctuate between1and5year after menopause. The E2level have no change on late MT.
     1.The ovarian form changed obviously after1year follow-up.
     2.The variability of mean ovarian length,breadth,anteroposterior diameter、OA、OV and AFC was decrease with the increase of age. The AFC decrease sharply after35years.
     3.The changes of Mean ovarian diameter、MOA、MOV and MAFC is obvious in different groups according the STRAW staging system.
     4.The OA and OV decrease sharply on late MT; E2level did not change obviously comparing with reproductive women.
     Section three:The changes of ovarian area during the process of ovary aging follow4year.
     To analyze the changes of ovarian area during the process of ovary aging follow4year..
     1. To describe the changes of ovarian area on baseline.
     2. To analyze the changes of ovarian area between baseline and the fourth follow-up according the STRAW staging system.
     3. To analyze the changes of ovarian area using all observations according the STRAW staging system.
     Materials and methods
     Perspective longitudinal study design was used in the present study. We analysis data of the baseline investigation and4years follow up.377women aged30-54years who lived Beijing community attended our survey by the purposive sample method. The baseline and follow-up information is the same with the section two. Examination items included is the same with section one.
     Qualitative data were analyzed by frequency, proportion; quantitative data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. Convariance was used to analyze the changes of ovarian area among different stages according STRAW staging system. Repeated measure was used to analyze the changes of MOA between baseline and the fourth year follow-up.
     1. The distribution of MOA at baseline
     The percentage of premenopause at baseline is29.5%(103). The percentage of early MT at baseline is44.1%(154). The percentage of late MT at baseline is26.4%(92). The MOA is3.54±0.98cm2(95%CI:3.34-3.73).There is no statistically significance in MOA at baseline after adjusted age and BMI (P>0.05)
     2. Participants were divided into different groups based on STRAW aging system.
     (1)There are65subjects at premenopause on baseline.29subjects enter into early MT and6subjects enter into late MT on the fourth follow-up. There are104subjects at early MT on baseline.41subjects are also in early MT,33subjects enter into late MT and3subjects enter into postmenopause on the fourth follow-up. There are73subjects at late MT on baseline.23subjects are also in late MT and40subjects enter into postmenopause on the fourth follow-up.
     (2)The MOA changes obviously with the time from baseline to the fourth follow-up (P< 0.001)
     (3)The MOA in premenopause and early MT at the fourth year follow-up is smaller than baseline after3.59years follow-up. The MOA in early MT、late MT and postmenopause at the fourth year follow-up is smaller than baseline after3.59years follow-up (P<0.05). The MOA in late MT and postmenopause at the fourth year follow-up is smaller than baseline after3.59years follow-up (P<0.05).
     3.The MOA of1427observations is statistically different among different groups according STRAW staging system (P<0.001).
     1. The MOA have no changed obviously according the STRAW staging system.
     2. The variability of MOA was decrease with time
     3. The variability of MOA was decrease with menopause status.
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