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     第一,蔬菜营销渠道批零合作关系的构成要素及其内涵与作用机理。综合国内外研究文献,结合对蔬菜营销渠道成员实地调研与访谈,选择测量蔬菜营销渠道批零合作关系的6个构成要素是信任、承诺、适应性、沟通、合作与相互依赖,探讨其内涵及相互间作用机理。本研究选取了南昌市蔬菜营销渠道186家批发商与257家零售商为样本,运用结构方程模型法(Structural Equation Model,简称SEM)、文献研究法、问卷调查法、描述性统计分析法等方法进行实证分析。研究发现:(1)蔬菜营销渠道批零合作关系各要素间作用机制的三个流程环节包括影响环节、传导环节以及结果环节,其中结果环节受到影响环节与传导环节的共同影响;(2)蔬菜营销渠道批零合作关系各要素间作用机制中的传导环节可通过两个变量体现,即信任与承诺,其中,信任对承诺没有显著正向影响;(3)蔬菜营销渠道批零合作关系各要素间作用机制的影响环节中,基于蔬菜批发商视角时,适应性对信任不具有显著的正向影响作用,适应性对承诺具有显著的正向影响作用,相互依赖对信任具有不显著负向影响,相互依赖对承诺不具有显著正向影响,沟通对信任与承诺有显著正向影响;基于零售商视角时,适应性对信任具有显著的正向影响作用,适应性对承诺不具有显著的正向影响作用,相互依赖对信任具有显著负向影响,相互依赖对承诺不具有显著正向影响,沟通对信任具有显著正向影响,沟通对承诺不具有显著正向影响;(4)蔬菜营销渠道批零合作关系各要素间作用机制的传导环节中,各因素对合作均有显著正向影响,但这种影响没有通过信任来实现,而是通过承诺来实现。
Vegetables are indispensable food and natural nutritional health products to urban and rural residents living, the security of vegetables quantity and quality is the important content of people's life quality. Vegetables has become the second largest industry only after food of planting industry in our country and China has become the first big vegetables production and consumption country in the world. However, recently some problems appeared, such as vegetables marketing channel is not free of traffic, the efficiency of them is low, vegetables marketing channel of the "last mile" price raise too high, hinder seriously vegetables transfer from producers to consumers, and suppresses the maximization of consumer welfare, which restrict seriously the development of vegetable industry and vegetables circulation and affects the growth of peasants income. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to guide effectively vegetables channel members to set up close cooperation relations, explore connotation and dimension division of partnership elements and cooperative performance of vegetables marketing channel "last mile" wholesalers and retailers in our country, discuss the mechanism of these elements and the relationship between these elements and cooperative performance. This research has very important theoretical and practical significance for promoting the development of vegetables channels practice, solving vegetables marketing channel low efficiency problem, constructing obstructions and efficient vegetable marketing channels, promoting vegetable marketing channel members cooperation and increasing partnership and cooperative performance level of vegetables marketing channel.
     The main content and conclusions in this paper are as follows:
     First, elements of partnership between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel and their connotation and function mechanism. Synthesize a large number of domestic and foreign literature, combined with the investigation and interview about vegetable marketing channel members, choose six elements which measure partnership between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel is trust, commitment, adaptation, communication, cooperation and interdependence, discuss their connotation and function mechanism of partnership between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel. This study selected186home wholesales and257home retailers of vegetable marketing channel as a sample, using Structural Equation Modeling analysis method. The empirical results found that:(1) three process link of the mechanism of these elements of partnership between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel, which is influence link, transmission link and results link affect each other.(2) The transmission link of the mechanism of these elements of partnership between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel may embody by two variables, namely trust and commitment, and trust do not have significant positive influence on commitment.(3) The influence link of the mechanism of these elements of partnership between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel, based on wholesalers perspective, adaptation do not have significant positive influence on trust, adaptation have significant positive influence on commitment, interdependence do not have significant negative influence on trust and interdependence do not have significant positive influence on commitment, communication have significant positive influence on trust and commitment; Based on retailers perspective, adaptation have significant positive influence on trust, adaptation do not have significant positive influence on commitment, interdependence have significant negative influence on trust and interdependence do not have significant positive influence on commitment, communication have significant positive influence on trust, communication do not have significant positive influence on commitment.(4) The transmission link of the mechanism of these elements of partnership between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel, various element have significant positive influence on cooperation, but the influence achieve by commitment not trust.
     Second, relationship of partnership elements and cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel. Choose four elements which measure cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel is delivery, production cost, product quality, production flexibility, discuss relationship between partnership elements and cooperative performance, puts forward relevant research hypotheses, construct relationship model of partnership elements affect cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel.This study selected186home wholesales and257home retailers of vegetable marketing channel in nanchang city as a sample, using Structural Equation Modeling analysis method. The empirical results found that:(1) trust, commitment, communication and cooperation have significant positive influence on cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel, interdependence have significant negative influence on cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel.(2) In the influence factors of cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel, based on wholesalers perspective, the biggest influence factor is commitment, followed influence factor is communication, cooperation and trust and the last one is interdependence between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel; Based on retailers perspective, the biggest influence factor is cooperation, followed influence factor is trust, commitment and communication and the last one is interdependence between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel.
     Third, relationship of partnership and cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel. Discuss relationship between partnership and cooperative performance, puts forward research hypotheses, construct relationship model of partnership affect cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel.This study selected186home wholesales and257home retailers of vegetable marketing channel in nanchang city as a sample, using Structural Equation Modeling analysis method. The empirical results found that Partnership between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel have significant positive influence on cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel.
     Based on the above research content and conclusions, this paper puts forward some strategies and suggestions:(1) improve scale level of the operation and management of the vegetables enterprise and active transformation to modern circulation enterprise;(2) establish a unified message communication platform, strengthen channels cooperation, promote production and marketing cohesion;(3) improve long-term partnership level of vegetables marketing channel members, enhance cooperative performance between the channel members;(4) support strongly infrastructure construction of vegetable marketing organization, dredge vegetables marketing channel.
     Innovations of this research may be:(1) Innovation on the research perspective. This research verify problems of partnership and cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel separately from the vegetable marketing channel wholesalers and retailers perspective.(2) Innovation on the application of research methods. This research carry on various verification to measurement relations and structure relationship of partnership and cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel using Structural Equation Modeling analysis method. This research not only set the internal interaction relationship of partnership elements, relationship of partnership elements and cooperative performance and relationship of partnership and cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel, but also proceed statistical evaluation, verification and corrected on partnership and cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel model, finally got the best model, this makes the research conclusion more persuasive.(3) Innovation on the main research contents. This research dug deep the problem of partnership and cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel respectively from three aspects, it is internal interaction relationship of partnership elements, partnership elements influence on cooperative performance and partnership influence on cooperative performance between wholesalers and retailers in vegetables marketing channel, this is different from the past "two party" research in this field and has foresight.
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