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     神经母细胞瘤(neuroblastoma, NB)是小儿最常见的恶性实体肿瘤之一,占儿童期肿瘤的8-10%,其恶性程度高,多数患儿最终愈后不良,故深入研究NB的发生、发展机理至关重要。我们课题组在对NB的发生、发展机理进行研究时发现:雌激素(estrogen, E)和环境雌激素双酚A(bisphenol A, BPA)均能促进神经母细胞瘤SK-N-SH细胞株的增殖、侵袭和转移,即E和BPA均可促进NB的发展。在此基础上,我们试图探寻E和BPA对NB起始环节的作用,而肿瘤干细胞(cancer stem cell, CSC)即属于肿瘤的起源细胞,故我们选择研究“E和BPA对神经母细胞瘤SK-N-SH细胞株的CSC的影响”来探寻“E和BPA对NB起始环节有无作用”。
     SP(side population, SP)分析法从神经母细胞瘤SK-N-SH细胞株中分离并鉴定出CSC,明确E和BPA干预对SK-N-SH细胞株的CSC有无影响,最终了解E和BPA对NB的起始环节有无作用。
     一、SK-N-SH细胞株侧群细胞的检测及检测条件的优化:不同的Hoechst孵育时间、不同的维拉帕米浓度检测SK-N-SH细胞株的SP细胞(侧群细胞)比例,根据SP细胞的检测效果选择各自的最佳条件;不同浓度Hoechst染色后的表型观察、CCK-8活细胞数评定了解Hoechst对SK-N-SH细胞株的毒性;不同浓度Hoechst染色后的流式细胞仪细胞周期分析、Annexin V-FITC和PI双标法流式细胞仪凋亡及死亡分析、再培养后SP细胞比例的检测,探讨Hoechst对SK-N-SH细胞株毒性的机理;最后对比不同浓度Hoechst对SK-N-SH细胞株的SP细胞检测效果,选择出能有效检测SP细胞并最低毒性的Hoechst浓度。
     Neuroblastoma (NB) is a common malignant pediatric tumor and accounts for 8-10% of childhood cancers. Long-term survival in high-risk cases is still less than 50% in current treatment strategies, thus research on the genesis and progress of NB is urgently needed to improve treatment. Our results of research on the genesis and progress of NB showed that estrogen (E) and bisphenol A (BPA) which is the most common environmental estrogen not only promoted the growth but also improved the invasion and metastasis for human NB SK-N-SH cells, i.e. E and BPA promote the progress of NB. On the basis of our research results for NB, we presume that E and BPA maybe contributes to the genesis of NB. It is well known that cancer stem cells (CSC) are the origin cells of tumors, thus we investigate the effects of E and BPA on the CSCs of SK-N-SH cells in order to identify if E and BPA have a tumorigenic ability for NB.
     The aim of this study was to sort the side population (SP) cells from SK-N-SH cell line and identify if the sorted SP cells have the cancer stem cell-like properties. At last, the effects of E and BPA on the SP cells were investigated to understand if E and BPA promote the genesis of NB.
     Materials and Methods
     1. The detection of SP cells in SK-N-SH cell line and optimization of the detecting procedure:The comparison of detecting effect for SP cells by different incubating time, different concentrations of verapamil was performed to select the suitable incubating time and verapamil concentration. Morphology observation and cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8) assay for re-cultured cells following different concentrations of Hoechst exposure were carried out to confirm the toxicity of Hoechst to SK-N-SH cells. Flow cytometry analysis for cell cycle, Annexin V-FITC and propidium iodide staining flow cytometry, and detection of the SP cells for re-cultured cells following different concentrations of Hoechst exposure were used to investigate the toxicity mechanism of Hoechst to SK-N-SH cells. The effective and relatively nontoxic concentration of Hoechst for SP analysis in SK-N-SH cells was selected by comparing the SP cells detecting effect and cytotoxicity of different concentrations of Hoechst.
     2. The sorting of SK-N-SH SP cells and identification for their cancer stem cell-like characteristics:SP and non-SP (NSP) cells were separated from the SK-N-SH cell line by flow cytometry and cultured in normal growth medium or serum-free medium containing some growth factors, and then their characteristics were analyzed by light and electron microscopy for morphology; we also used western blotting to analyze marker proteins, CCK-8 assay for proliferative ability, series differentiation assays for differentiation properties; single cell clone experiment, Matrigel invasion assays and tumorigenicity assays were performed to analyze their malignant potential.
     3. The research of the effects of E and BPA on the SK-N-SH SP cells: Following by E2 or BPA exposure, the detection of SP cells was performed by flow cytometry, and the expression of stem cell marker proteins c-kit and ABCG2 was analyzed by western bloting. The growth-promoting effect of E2 or BPA on SK-N-SH parent cells was confirmed by the CCK-8 assay and flow cytometry cell cycle analysis. The SK-N-SH SP and NSP sub-types were treated by E2 or BPA, respectively, and then the number of viable cells for these two sub-types was evaluated by CCK-8 assay.
     1. The detection of SP cells in SK-N-SH cells and optimization of the detecting procedure:The incubation time of 60 minute, the verapamil concentration of 50μmol/L are suitable to detect the SP cells in SK-N-SH cell line. SK-N-SH cells had strong toxic reaction to Hoechst even at lower concentrations. The mechanism of the strong Hoechst sensitivity of SK-N-SH cells relates to the perturbation of cell cycle, the acute cell death and apoptosis induced by Hoechst. We ultimately selected the Hoechst concentration of 5μM to carry out the SP analysis for SK-N-SH cell line after we compared the SP cells detection effect and cytotoxicity of different Hoechst concentrations.
     2. The sorting of SK-N-SH SP cells and identification for their cancer stem cell-like characteristics:We successfully sorted the SP and NSP cells from SK-N-SH cell line. SP cells are small, have neurites, grow as clumps of cells with weakly substrate-adherent, and have few cytoplasmic organelles and high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio; SP cells express high levels of the stem cell marker protein c-kit, have high proliferative and malignant ability, and have a capacity for fast differentiation. NSP cells are large and flat, do not have neurites, grow as a contact-inhibited monolayer with tightly substrate-adherent, and have many cytoplasmic organelles and low nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio; NSP cells express the differentiated cell marker proteins peripherin and S100 at high levels, have slow differentiate ability and have low proliferative and malignant ability.
     3. The research of the effects of E and BPA on the SK-N-SH SP cells:Both E2 and BPA gradually decreases the percentage of SP cells in SK-N-SH cell line to the level that can not be detected by flow cytometry and depresses the expression of the stem cell marker proteins c-kit and ABCG2. Both E2 and BPA significantly promotes growth not only for SK-N-SH parent eells but also for its SP and NSP sub-types, but the growth-promoting effect of E2 and BPA for NSP cells is significant higher than for SP cells.
     1. It is essential to minimize or, at the very least, be aware of Hoechst toxicity in SP analysis. The detecting procedure of SP cells needs to be carefully optimized for each new cell line studied.
     2. SK-N-SH SP cells have cancer stem cell-like properties.
     3. E2 and BPA have lower effects on the SP cells which are enriched for the origin cells of tumor, thus E2 and BPA maybe don't have the capacity to promote the genesis of NB.
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