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As a solid quantitative method in Bibliometrics and Scientometrics,Citation Analysis has been popularly used on multi disciplines and fields especially on describing the evolution of subject and evaluating the scientific output.Atthogh Citation Analysis has many applications,it is lack of analyzing on itself.This study based on the theory and method of citation analysis,using knowledge mapping to illuminate the evolution of Citation Analytics and knowledge flowing process of citing,discussing the framework and function of Citation Analytics.
     First of all,With CiteSpace,the development trends of Citation Analysis are mapped and unscrambled.There are some periods in the development process of Citation Analytics: formation,developing and furtherance.Some study fruits of important researchers were analyzed and their contributions for Citation Analytics were summarized.
     In the following,we introduce the knowledge flowing theory of Citation Analytics.From the view of knowledge development pattern,we know that the science knowledge is evolved and survival-of-the-fittest.Citing is the process of knowlegde survival-of-the-fittest,and also of knowledge selection,inheritance,and variance,knowledge of collection and retrieval, diffusion and transmitting,creation and increment.Citation analysis is a process of knowledge flowing analysis.It is included the process of citing and statistic analysis of magnanimity data.In the same time,Citation analysis is the process of knowledge micro-macro-micro and it is the analysis on the knowledge system.
     In succession,we discuss the subject characteristic,subject location and subject framework of Citation Analytics.Citation Analytics is subject which has some characters of cross,foundation and method.It has its own theory,method and popular application.The knowledge science is the mother discipline for Citation Analytics.The relationship between Citation Analytics and other disciplines can be explained by the co-citation journal map.The framework of Citation Analytics consists of thoery,method and technique;these three units influenced each other.
     Lastly,we show some application functions of citation analysis by example.For example, evaluating research outputs,disclosing knowledge patterns and probing research fronts.
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