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Up to now, the human capability of reining kinds of natural disaster, especiallyfatal disaster, is still deficient. The disaster has impacted human action seriously also.In order to effectively organize kinds of disaster response activities, it is necessary toset up corresponding system of disaster response. Building new disaster responsesystem, it has to design system. Although the study of this field has been carried outat home and abroad for many years, and as well made some progress, most of thesestudies are only emphasized on some aspects, and the systematic study frameworkhas not been formed. This dissertation systemizes existing study results, presents therelative systematic theory and approach on disaster response system design underdisaster situation. These studies not only have offered a design methodology to thepractice, but also provide the theoretical basis to the automatic construction ofdisaster response in the future. Therefore, the theme of this dissertation has not onlyimportant theoretical value, but also practical signification.
     The dissertation firstly introduces the origin, and then deeply analyzes thedisaster response system, including characteristics, classification, definition, generalsystem constitution forms, and analyzing its environment, components, structure andfunctions as well as operation manners etc. After that raises the design framework ofdisaster response system, mainly consisting of design contents, principles and logicalprocedure etc. Then discusses the theoretical basis of disaster response system design,presents the concrete organizing theory of disaster response system. And then studiesoperation design of disaster response system, consisting of design framework,contents, description approaches of system processes, normalization of making-decision activities. At last, gives an design example of disaster response system onHainan province in China.
     The dissertation has made some innovation and development in the followingaspects:
     ①Systematic Design Framework of Disaster Response System is Presented.Based on the analysis on contents, objectives, principles, logical procedure of disasterresponse system design, presents a relatively systematical design framework.②The Current Organizing Theories are Effectively Integrated. As to the theories of systemstructure, they can be further distinguished by the idea of “if the system concept isexplicitly introduced”. Through these studies, the dissertation not only offers a veryclear analysis process, but also sets up an effective method on how to synthesize theexisting system organizing theories.③Systematic Design Theory of DisasterResponse System is Derived. Based on the analysis of the existing disaster responsesystem design theories, the dissertation suggests the idea of synthesizing VSM andnormalization management theory as the theoretical basis of disaster response systemdesign. Thus it is not only provides firm theoretical basis for this kind system design,but also offers the guideline to develop specific design methods corresponding.④Normalized Design Method of Structure and Operation of Disaster Response System.According to the characteristics and need of disaster response system design, thedissertation presents the normalized design method on structure and operation ofdisaster response system. Applying this method to study disaster response systemdesign, not only some deficiencies can be found in the existing methods, but alsoprovides specific guideline for the practice of disaster response system design in thefuture.
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