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Nowadays the Information System is used in almost every trade in our society and play a very important role.With the development of Internet, it become possible that the imformation can be shared in Web.Almost every lage-scale or medium-sized and small company become more and more depending on IT.The sharing of information change the working-way of people.The efficiency and collaboration of work between enterprises is promoted and strengthened through this way.But there is a problem,because former Information System was built indepndently in different way,the data and information between Information Systems is heterogeneous,so communication and Resource Sharing appears hard.The result is there appears a lot of single Information-Island. The resolution of his problem is implement of data integration between Information Systems.There are many ways to implement of data integration between Information System,so there are many solutions of this problem.But a lot of advantage would be that taking meta-data solution as final solution.Integration of various of hardware pIats,Operation System,netware protocols and Data Management System,through meta-data as medi,can shield the difference of application details.This solution make heterogeneous data transmitted conveniently and reliably shared..And at the same time,it make the system have advantage of favourable extensibility and well adaptability.The Meta-data Management,make meta-data of various construct internal and external one system could be integrated.Some important Enterprise-Application, such as PDM、 EAI、 ERP and so on,depend on the Integration very much.Nowday,generally Integration of meta-data is achieved through the exchange of Web data.This kind of Integration is loose-coupling and one of key techenologies is the interface of meta-data management.This article present a kind of Meta-data Management techenology based Model-Drived,descript the all kinds of meta-model conformably and normally based the united discription.So we can accomplish the management and application of meta-data with the uniform exchange way by the means of loading the meta-model and share the meta-data.According to the idea of MDA,this article give a logic construct of a uniformly meta-meta-model used to descript various meta-model and compartmentalize the meta-data by dimensions and subjects at muti-view and realized muti-dimension management.This paper descripted the sub-level meta-model using uniformly standard meta-meta-model at meta-meta-model level at the top of meta-model level according to the four-level meta-model architecture. According to the idea of model driven,meta-data management load meta-model data dynamically through Meta-meta-data Interface,access and manage the meta-data.At the same time,refer to XMI,meta-data exchange standard,a uniform meta-data exchange format established by the way of XML to achieve the sharement of meta of heterogeneous.The fruit of this article has been applicated in the programs of mudlogging professial database for Daqing Petrolean Fields and Drilling Information Platform for Daqing Petrolean Management Department.In
    these two programs,as the modules of bottom sustain and application in the management level,soluted inner various meta-data management problem uniformly,provides the uniform method of accessing meta-data to the other applicated modules and meta-data exchange to the other loose-coupling system,achive sharement of meta-data.This method of management of meta-data is a research in hot.
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