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     利用飞秒脉冲激光刺激培养的星形胶质细胞,诱导了细胞内的钙升高及随后产生的钙波。不同的光强能诱导星型胶质细胞的产生两种钙振荡模式:短时的钙升高(即calcium spike,定义为S型)和高且可持续的钙升高(定义为H型)。光刺激后胞外的PI染料的进入,高数值孔径物镜观察到细胞膜的可逆变化及胞外钙离子的依赖性证实了光致穿孔效应是导致钙升高的原因。光穿孔诱导的钙升高能够在星型胶质间传播;药理学证据证实这种钙波是通过细胞释放的ATP介导,激活P2Y受体来实现的。同时在混合培养的细胞上,H型钙升高会引起附近神经元的同步钙振荡而S型则不会引起任何响应。以上结果说明,基于飞秒脉冲激光的光穿孔能在星型胶质细胞上诱导钙升高,从而导致P2Y受体依赖的钙波。而胶质细胞的钙波能诱导神经元产生同步的钙振荡。
     使用全内反射显微术研究了培养星型胶质细胞溶酶体的胞吐作用。使用TIRFM观察FM染料标记的溶酶体,发现星型胶质细胞的溶酶体有三种不同的释放现象,即膜上溶酶体的完全释放(full exocytosis from old puncta),新上膜溶酶体的完全释放(full exocytosis from new puncta)和部分释放模式(”kiss and run”)。在ATP刺激时,星型胶质细胞溶酶体的释放仅表现部分释放模式;而在缺氧条件下诱导了大量的溶酶体上膜,同时几乎所有在膜上的溶酶体都会被释放。
The central nervous system is consisted of neuron and glial cell. By recording electronic signals, the neural activities could be described precisely. As a non-excitatory cell in neural system, however, glial cell is hardly touched their functions by electronic signal; that is why glial cells have not received neuroscientists’attentions. Moreover, several to ten times to neuron in number in central nervous system, glial cell have implied to exert more functions in neural system. At a last decade, by advances in optical imaging and labeling techniques, the functions of glial cell will have been understood.
     The invention of microscope brings the life science research to cellular level. High resolution, contrast and penetration are the hot topics in development of optical imaging techniques. Here, by using two-photon laser excitation scanning microscopy and total- internal reflection microscopy, the morphology and function of glial cell were investigated.
     In CA1 region of hippocampal slices, four types of glial cell were identified by electrophysiological characteristics and immunocytochemical staining: astrocytes, oligodendrocyte, NG2 (a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan) positive cells and microglia. By pipette-injected dyes and two-photon laser scanning microscopy (2PLSM), their shapes were observed. Further, their functions were explored : For astrocyte, by two-photon induced uncaging calcium, the astrocytic calcium elevation induced the vasodilatation. For oligodendrocyte in CA1 region of hippocampal slices, by 3-dimensional imaging, their processes showed distinct distribution: about two third of all the processes (67.5±12.0%) are parallel to Sch fiber and the others were vertical to them. For NG2 glial cell, the distinct mitosis mode was observed: the cell body divides into two, the processes belong to the daughter cells according to their localization in cell body.
     Stimulated astrocyte by femtosecond pulse laser induced the intracellular calcium elevation and followed intercellular calcium wave. Under the different powers, astrocytes displayed two modes of calcium elevation: calcium spike (named S-type in following) and higher and sustained calcium elevation (named H-type in following). Some evidences, from PI penetration, membrane reversible shift under the high numerical aperture objective and extracellular calcium-dependent results, demonstrated that photoporation effects were causes to intracellular calcium elevation. Photoporation induced calcium elevation could spread among astrocytes; from pharmacological results, this calcium wave is mediated by ATP from astrocyte released and activated the P2Y receptor in adjacent astrocytes. Moreover, in mix culture of neuron and astrocyte, the H-type calcium elevation in astrocyte could induce neuronal synchronized calcium oscillation, whereas no any responses to S-type。In conclusion, the photoporation based on femtosecond pulsed laser could generate calcium elevation in astrocyte, and induce P2Y receptor-dependent calcium wave. The calcium waves in astrocytes lead the neuronal synchronized calcium oscillation.
     Investigate lysosome exocytosis revealed by TIRFM. By FM dye labeled lysosome and TIRF imaging, three types of release modes of lysosomes in astrocyte were showed: full exocytosis from old puncta mode, full exocytosis from new puncta mode and”kiss and run”mode. Physiological stimulation by ATP could induce partial exocytosis, whereas pathological stimulation by an ischemic insult (KCN) induced full exocytosis of lysosome.
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