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     复杂网络拓扑结构对网络上动力学的影响也体现在传播行为上。本文提出了一种描述移动无线Ad hoc网络的动态复杂网络模型,该模型刻画了网络节点的移动性、通信信道的竞争机制以及物理连接的限制。借助于SIR模型研究了蠕虫在该模型上的传播行为,揭示了网络节点的移动性与病毒传播之间的关联关系。
As one of the most active areas in the interdisciplinary research field, complex networks attract extensive attentions from various fields of science and engineering. In this dissertation, we perform dynamics study on complex networks. The main contents of this dissertation include: (1) Local and global stability of synchronization in some delayed complex networks; (2) Synchronization and its perturbation of weighted networks with delayed couplings; (3) Phase synchronization and synchronization process in switching networks; (4) Approach to analyze synchronization of coupled map on complex networks; (5) Epidemic spreading on mobile wireless networks.
     The main contribution in this dissertation can be summarized as follows:
     1. Local and global synchronization study of delayed complex networks
     Due to limited transmitting speed and process ability on nodes, usually there are time delays in complex networks. Considering the differences between the factors that induce time delays, we study the synchronization of time-delayed coupled complex networks where the delays are caused by limited transmitting speed and synchronization of coupled time-delayed dynamical systems where the delays are caused by properties of nodes, respectively. For the delayed complex networks with time-varying couplings, we present a new approach to analyze the stability of synchronization manifold by combining subspace decomposition and Lyapunov functions. As to the second case, we derive the criteria for locally asymptotical synchronization and globally exponential synchronization.
     2. The study of synchronization and its perturbation in weighted complex networks with time delay
     Many real-world networks are dynamically evolving, for example, new edges are introduced or old edges are removed continually, which certainly will have an effect on network synchronizability. In this dissertation we study the perturbation phenomenon of weighted complex networks with time delay when disturbing the coupling configurations. In the light of theoretical analysis, we obtained the criterion for synchronization which is directly related with network topology. We further investigated the impact of topology on dynamics under small coupling perturbations by applying our theoretical results.
     3. Phase synchronization study on switching networks of coupled oscillators
     It is often the case that due to the dynamic nature of each unit's states in some distributed communication systems, the existence of an information channel between a parr of units at each time instance is probabilistic and independent of other channels; hence, the topology of such networks varies over time. Taking this case into account, we study the onset of synchronization in arrays of phase oscillators with switching couplings. We found that the network always can achieve synchronization under fast switches. Moreover, we further studied the role of network topologies in the synchronization process and observed the different synchronization processes between homogeneous networks and heterogeneous networks from our switching network model.
     4. Study on synchronization of coupled map networks by a new approach
     Considering the limitation of existing stability analysis methods for complex network synchronization to some extent, we present a new approach to study the sychronizability by using matrix measure. Through theoretical analysis of coupled discrete maps, we obtained the local and global synchronization criteria which can be easily verified and applied in practice.
     5. Spreading dynamics study on dynamical complex networks
     The effect of network topology on system dynamics can also be manifested in epidemic spreading behaviors. In this dissertation, we present a dynamical complex network model to describe the mobile wireless Ad hoc networks. This model captures the mobility of nodes in networks, channel contention during communicating and limited physical connections. By means of basic SIR model, we studied the spreading dynamics of worms on this model, finding the relationship between the mobility of nodes and epidemic spreading.
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