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Housing is one of basic elements of peoples'lives. The housing finance is named by financing activities and corresponding service around house producing. Study on the model of the housing mortgage operation system is an important and indispensable part of research of the social development. For urban residents, mortgage is one of the most important means of funding the house. A high sensitivity mortgage regulatory system is one of the essential factors to ensure mortgage market innovation and sustainable development. Therefore, housing finance development on the premise that to improve the mortgage market supervision.
     Triggered by the subprime-loancrisis, there is innovation of financial regulatory system. The continuous development of regulated target will lead change in regulatory system. Therefore, on the studing.of mortgage regulatory system requires analysis of mortgage market operating mechanism. At present, China mortgage market operating mechanism and mortgage regulatory systems are still at an early stage, which urgent need to learn from advanced international concepts and practices. Britain as the world's three major economies is the cradle land of housing finance. There are efficient mortgage market operation mechanism and a more mature mortgage market regulatory system, which will help us to improve China mortgage market and renovate mortgage regulatory system. However, in China, there are few researches on the UK mortgage market and its regulation system, which is the reason why the author has chosen this subject.
     Based on reviewing the existing literature on the mortgage market operating mechanism, This dissertation is studying on British mortgage market operating mechanism which is based on analysis of the UK mortgage market evolution, is revealed by market participants behavior analysis, and analysis of mortgage products. And then, the studying on British mortgage market regulatory system is based on the theory of the institutional change, follow the change on UK mortgage regulatory system, to analysis how British mortgage regulatory system be set up, what problems they get, and how to revolutionize. Finally, the analysis based on research of the U.K. mortgage market operation mechanism and supervision system, combined with our current status, in order to improve China mortgage market operating mechanism and system and mortgage regulatory system
     This thesis is including six parts, as follows:Chapter Ⅰ Introduction, this section introduces the research purpose and meaning, the literature review, analytical framework and methodology, as well as contribution and deficiency. Chapter Ⅱ is theoretical basis. Chapter Ⅲ the operating mechanism on the British mortgage market, which based on study of UK mortgage market evolution, is revealed by market participants'behavior analysis, and analysis of mortgage products. Chapter Ⅳ:the evolution of the the mortgage regulatory system in U.K. is focuses on the how mortgage regulatory system is established, which is based on the analysis of regulatory institution, regulators and supervision. Chapter Ⅴ is revolution of the British mortgage regulatory system. In this part, firstly, analysis the current situation of British mortgage regulatory system, which aim to find out what problem of this system. Secondly, based on issues be found, analysis how British mortgage regulatory system revolutionize. Chapter Ⅵ is the UK mortgage experience and enlightenment. This section based on our existing mortgage market operating mechanism and supervisory system of mortgage, compare with British mortgage market operating mechanism and supervisory system, the author makes policy recommendations.
     The main contributions of this thesis are as follows:Firstly, the sybject is a novelty. Secondly, introduce of some new ideas for studing on this topic by institutional change theoretical analysis. Finaly, this dissertation is based on comparing analysis with British and China mortgage market operating mechanism and mortgage regulatory system, and draw on ideas and trends of British reform, combined with our existing situation, put forward on suggestions of China mortgage market operating mechanism and mortgage supervisory system
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